Diagnostic Medical Systems Group (Euronext Paris – FR0012202497 – DGM) informed to have entered into exclusive negotiations with two investment funds in view of the sale of the 14 379 830 shares held in the share capital of the company Alpha MOS (Euronext Paris – FR0000062804 – ALM), representing 42,94% of the capital and 49,98% of the voting rights of Alpha MOS.
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On the basis of the arrangements envisaged, this transfer would be concluded on the basis of a transfer price of 0.45 per share, representing a total amount of 6.5 M.
DMS Group will keep informed the market of the progress of these negotiations. The listing of the shares of Alpha MOS is suspended at the request of the company.
About DMS Group
DMS Group is comprised of companies with high innovation potential. First of all focused on the medical imaging industry, it now extends to new horizons. By investing for the future and making the bet of research, DMS Group hopes to bring the solutions of tomorrow.
Specialized in high technology at the service of the diagnosis, medical, DMS Imaging, positioning itself today as the French leader in the development, design and manufacturing of imaging systems dedicated to radiology, bone densitometry, 3D modeling and posturology.
DMS Wellness includes activities devoted to the sector of the health and well-being, addressing to the specialists of the physiotherapy, beauty, aesthetics and sport.
DMS Biotech accompanies the group’s development strategy in the field of biotechnology, and particularly technologies for the treatment of osteoarthritis and regenerative medicine based on the injection of fat stem cells.
Alpha MOS, MDS Group is the majority shareholder, is developing tools for sensory analysis of odor, taste and vision for the diagnosis and industrial quality control as well as medical. Alpha MOS is listed on the Euronext market in Paris (ISIN : FR0000062804 Mnémo : ALM).
DMS Group is present on all continents through a network of more than 140 national distributors, subsidiaries and joint-venture. In 2016, DMS Group achieved a consolidated turnover of 37.4 Million euros. DMS Group is listed on the Euronext market in Paris (ISIN : FR0012202497 – mnémo : DGM).
More information on www.dms.com.
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