Arca Council, the French leader of the investigation and of the investigation, is stepping up its “Pole real Estate Expertise” in developing its offering and strengthening its network of certified experts. The goal : to support banking players in their compliance with the Directive of the real Estate Credit.
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Since the entry into force of the Directive real Estate loan on July 1, 2016, the mastery of the real estate appraisal is more than ever a major concern for financial institutions. With the aim of protecting the consumer, this european regulation requires them, in effect, provisions designed to ensure greater reliability of the assessment of real estate within the framework of a grant of loan.
At the heart of this regulatory development, Arca Board is positioned as a true partner of the banking players in order to accompany them in their new obligations. The leader of the investigation and the investigation is strengthening its “Pole real Estate Expertise” through the optimization of its organization and the creation of new offerings, tailored to the needs of each client.
“Evaluation of real-time” : The value of the property is directly in-line, real-time
“Real estate pricing” : following a site visit, Arca Council provides a detailed report consistent with the expertise Charter on real estate in a few days
“Real estate pricing target TEGOVA” : Arca Council presents a report fully complies with the Charter of the expertise in real estate, and the obligations of the Directive real Estate Credit
Arca Board also extends its network of experts by making available to its clients 60 real estate experts certified RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors), and TEGoVA (The European Group of Valuers Associations) able to carry out an evaluation of the real estate as impartial and objective as possible. Arca Board also welcomed an Expert real Estate Appraiser approved CNEI (National Company of real Estate Experts).
“Ever the financial institutions have not had as much need of an expert independent real estate. To meet this need, we give a more and more important to our service offering expertise in real estate. They should thus represent in the next three years, nearly 20 % of the sales of Arca’s Board, which is two times more than in 2016, ” says Samy Benarroch, chair of Arca Council.
About Arca Board
In 27 years of existence, Arca Council has established itself as the French leader of the investigation and of the investigation in France, but also internationally. Arca Board accompanies its clients through four areas of expertise that allow him to assist companies on a daily basis in their decision-making and in their strategy : Pole Surveys and Investigations, Pole Reliability, and Bill Eckert, centre for Special Business and International, a Hub of real Estate Expertise.
Arca Board has 50 employees involved in 120 countries around the world. The company has achieved in 2016 a turnover of 6.7 million euros.
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