AAA DATA measuring the fidelity of motorists to a constructor.
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Paris, 26 June 2017
AAA DATA continues to innovate by allowing manufacturers to investigate the loyalty of their customers to better anticipate their next purchasing behavior.
For the first time, these are not surveys that are being studied, but a basis of behavioral data proved to be. That have bought out clients after cashing their vehicles ? Who are those who purchase a vehicle of the same brand ?… This database identifies the loyalty rate of a customer to a brand, and gives manufacturers the opportunity to :
– Best prospect by knowing the provenance of its new clients.
– Better contact with existing customers in student departures for another manufacturer.
Knowing the models owned previously by new customers, the manufacturer is now able to prospect by knowing more precisely who to target. Conversely, knowing to what brands and models competitors, its customers are leaving, the manufacturer may act upstream to reduce the rate of attrition in sending a message responding better to their expectations.
This new knowledge of the market will be able to increase the loyalty of customers to the builders. More than 10 000 purchases new per month are concerned.
“The knowledge of customer and anticipation are the keys to loyalty. The information channels are such today that customers have any opportunity to compare the competition and if this is not taken into account upstream by the manufacturers, the risk of change brands are stronger than ever. ” says Patricia Renaud, Director of sales and Marketing of AAA DATA.
About AAA DATA :
Strong of our 50 years of experience, AAA DATA detects the right insights and anticipate the uses of tomorrow to offer its customers tailor-made models. AAA DATA is based on a database that is reliable and proven. Thanks to its repository of data and expertise, AAA DATA has been able to develop innovative solutions and anticipate the needs of tomorrow, and this in a wide variety of areas of consumption.
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