Communiqué RIDGE 2017

Decisions at the annual general meeting in Hemcheck Sweden AB (publ) on 30 may 2017

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Hemcheck Sweden AB (publ) held the annual general meeting on 30 may 2017, in Karlstad. The agm resolved, among other things, the following decisions, where all decisions were in accordance to the proposals in the notice to the annual general meeting:



The meeting decided that no dividend for fiscal year 2016 is submitted.


The general meeting granted the board of directors and the managing director discharge from liability for the financial year 2016.

The board of directors and the auditor

Board members: Fredrik Sjövall, Jenni Björnulfson, Anna Dalgaard, Hjalmar Didrikson and Torbjörn Koivisto was re-elected. Deputy board member Måns Alfvén was re-elected. Fredrik Sjövall was re-elected also to the chairman of the board. Auditor were re-elected Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB Jan Nyström will continue as auditor in charge.

The agm resolved that board fees shall be sek 75,000 to the chairman of the board and with sek 50,000 each to other members of the board. Furthermore, the meeting decided that a board member if it is in compliance with current tax legislation and tax practices and provided that it is cost-neutral for the company, shall be given the opportunity to invoice the fees from the individual proprietorship or private company, provided that the company or the company holds an F-tax certificate.

The decision was made even if that the auditor is paid according to approved invoices.

Decision on authorization for the board to issue shares, convertibles or warrants

The meeting decided on emissionsbemyndigande to the board under the board’s proposal, to the effect that the board of directors is authorised to decide on issuance of shares, convertible debentures or warrants with or without preferential rights for the shareholders. The authorisation is limited to 10% of the time as the outstanding shares. If the board decides on the issue without preferential rights for the shareholders, so the reason should be to be able to widen the owners, or allow the entry of new shareholders of strategic reasons, procure or permit the procurement of working capital, increase liquidity in the shares, conduct mergers or acquire or permit the acquisition of capital for corporate acquisitions. At the decision on the issuance without preferential rights for the shareholders, should the subscription price be at market rates at the time of the resolution approving the issue.

Other decisions

In addition, the meeting decided also on the principles for the nomination committee.

If hemCheck

Hemcheck Sweden AB (publ) develops and commercializes a unique product concept, Helge(TM) for point-of-care detection of hemolysis. Hemolysis, broken red blood cells, is the most common cause of blood samples can not be analyzed. This leads to worse care, the risks for the patients and high costs for society. Helge(TM) detect the presence of hemolyzed blood samples in direct connection to the sampling, and thus contribute to improved care for patients around the world. hemChecks the company is headquartered in Karlstad, Sweden.


Hemcheck Sweden AB (publ)

Annelie Brolinson, managing director

Tel: +46 70 288 0826


Yliopistonkatu 2

651 88 Karlstad, sweden

The information was submitted for publication on 30 may 2017 there is a 14.00.


communiqué RIDGE 2017

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