Canada: The equity markets have finished the session higher on Friday; the progress of the sectors consumer Products, non-essential, Materials, and clean Technologies has contributed to this increase.
With the close in Toronto, the S&P/TSX composite index rose 0.46%.
The best performance of the session for the S&P/TSX composite is to be put to the credit of the title TransAlta Corp (TSX:TA) rising by 6.63% 0.53 points for a closing price of 8,52. In the second position, we find Alacer Gold Corp (TSX:ASR) and win 5,32% either 0,230 points for a close at 4,550. The title Semafo Inc. (TSX:SMF) completes the top three with an increase of 4.67% or 0.23 points for the end of the session to 5,16.
TORC Oil and Gas Ltd (TSX:TOG) sign the worst performance of the session, losing 3,08% 0.13 points for a closing price of 4.09. Seven Generations Energy Ltd. (TSX:VII) gives up 3.02 percent or 0.20 of points and terminates at 6,42. For its part, Air Canada (TSX:AC) loose 2.24 per cent or 0,910 points for a closing price of 39,690.
The titles on the rise and have exceeded the number of securities decline on the Toronto stock Exchange by-768 values 304 and 110 stable.
The S&P/TSX 60 VIX, which measures the implied volatility of options on the S&P/TSX composite index, has lost 2,89% up to 11.75.
On the other hand, the gold for delivery in August gained 0.04 percent or 0.50 points, to $1.412,50 a troy ounce. Regarding other raw materials, crude oil for delivery in August was down 2.07%, or 1.23 in points for a $58,20 the barrel, while the Brent for delivery in September lost 1,95%, or 1,28 points to a course of $64,39 the barrel.
The pair CAD/USD has recorded an increase of 0.03% to 0,7638, so that the pair CAD/EUR has taken a 0.05% to 0,6720.