Solna-based Medcap, whose specialty is to own and operate the pharmaceutical and medical device company, is one of the smallest companies listed on the stockholm stock exchange with a market capitalization of sek 400 million. The share was previously a Business favorite, but after the rise in prices to sek 31 will there be better buying opportunities, the magazine writes, and recommends sell.
Marinmotorutvecklaren Cimco Marine enters on First North on 4 July. The company focuses on professional craft in the transport, monitoring, service and inspection and have the product Ox Diesel. The potential branschomstöpare enables Cimco to a attractive valued the lottery ticket and the recommendation will be to subscribe for the shares.
Spelaktien Mr. Green has in the past been weak, but a new strategy has led to several compelling interim reports. According to the Business world is the upside great for the patient and the recommendation is buy with a target price of sek 50.
Norwegian Zalaris has risen sharply in the past six months after a storförvärv in Germany. The share looks to be fullvärderad think the magazine, which recommends to wait.
Tradingportalen/Agency Directly.
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