Forum. With a value multiplied by five in less than four months, and then a fall of 25% in a week, the bitcoin made heads turn. The particular financial institutions, all seem to be hypnotised by the speculation on the cryptomonnaie. The first futures contracts to bet on the rise or fall of the cryptomonnaie, even come to be launched in Chicago. But this market is not regulated, and now looks like the Wild West. On the regulated markets, all kinds of excesses are already possible, but with bitcoin, the risks are multiplied by 100.
Why ? Because the individual is not armed to risk it. No more than the financial average elsewhere. Because the bitcoin is first and foremost a “trick” geek “.
Not more than 1 000 people on this planet have mastered really the technology underlying bitcoin and other cryptomonnaies – the ” blockchain “. These are computer experts, not financial experts. Their approach does seem to fall into any traditional logic. The bitcoin is not a currency of exchange (too complicated, too… polluting). Neither a financial product.
Apart from the speculators, those who invest in bitcoin develop a particular vision of the world. The notion of finality, which is linked to it (the device is ultra-safe, but there is no turning back possible) goes beyond the power of the state. Translation : in a context of financial crisis and the creation of debts, the day where everything will be lost, it will continue to be the unchanging line of code – the bitcoin – that, alone, can withstand the cataclysms on the horizon. A kind of ” nihilism 2.0 “.
It is not known exactly who created
With the bitcoin, it comes out of the economic framework traditional. This is what makes it interesting is the observation of current developments.
On the one hand, there is a paradox in terms of security. When the fraud is…