The shareholders of AwoX (Euronext FR0011800218 AWOX), a pure-player technologies and connected objects dedicated to the world of Smart Home (smart home), are invited to attend the ordinary and extraordinary general meeting Friday, June 30, 2017.
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During this combined general meeting, which will take place at 11 a.m. at the registered office of the company, the shareholders will be called to deliberate on the approval of the annual and consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2016. The notice prior to the combined general meeting of 30 June 2017, including the agenda and draft resolutions, was published in the BALO n°63 of 26th may 2017 and on the internet site,, section general Meetings. The notice of meeting has been published in the BALO n°71 of 14 June 2017.
In addition, the extraordinary general meeting initially scheduled for July 11, 2017 at 10: 30 a.m. at the head office, which has been the subject of a notice of meeting published in the BALO n°66 of 2 June 2017, has been adjourned to July 28, 2017 by decision of the Board of directors. A new notice of meeting and a notice will be published in the BALO, within the legal timeframe and regulatory bodies.
Evolution of the indicative timetable provided for in the issue contract concluded with the investment fund Bracknor Fund Ltd.
During the extraordinary general meeting of July 28, 2017, the shareholders of AwoX will be called, in the framework of the contract concluded on April 21, 2017, to delegate to the Board of directors the authority to decide the issue free warrants issue OCABSA (Bonds Convertible into Shares with Warrants attached to Shares) with cancellation of the preferential subscription right of the shareholders for the benefit of Bracknor Fund Ltd. (read the press release of April 24, 2017).
The commitment of the Board of directors to issue the right of issue, initially planned for 30 June 2017, is now set to July 31, 2017 or such other date as agreed between the parties, subject to the approval by the shareholders on the delegation of authority proposed. The other features of the contract of issue shall remain unchanged.
About AwoX
AwoX is a pure player of the technologies and connected objects dedicated to the world of Smart Home (smart Home). The group is a major player in the lighting connected, with the widest range of LED light bulbs smart and connected accessories for the home, and of the connected audio multi-room. These two worlds constitute the more dynamic segments of the market of the Smart Home.
The first company on the connected objects listed on the stock Exchange in Europe in 2014, AwoX has made the acquisition of Cabasse, the technology leader in electro-acoustics, mainly through its line of high-end speakers, acoustic products built for home and speakers high-fidelity connected. AwoX and Cabasse have given birth to a leader in the audio streaming top of the range dedicated to the world of the Smart Home.
AwoX has also established itself as the actor of reference of the technology of wireless connectivity around the world standard for the exchange of content to the home UPnP/DLNA. AwoX currently sits on the Board of directors of Bluetooth SIG and to the Board of directors of OCF.
AwoX markets its products to lighting and audio connected in more than 30 countries, and enjoys a global organization established with an industrial and commercial subsidiary in Singapore, as well as sales offices in the United States (Palo Alto), Europe (Montpellier and Brest), and Taiwan (Taipei).
Label : AwoX
ISIN Code : FR0011800218
Ticker symbol : AWOX
Number of shares comprising the share capital : 3 591 767
More information on – Twitter : @AwoX – Facebook : /AwoXStriim
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