Auplata announced today that they have completed a 4th draw of OCABSA in the framework of the agreement put in place the …

Auplata (Euronext Growth – FR0010397760 – ALAUP), 1st producer of French gold quoted on the stock Exchange, (the ” Company “), announces the issuance of a 4th tranche of OCABSA (Bonds Convertible into Shares with Equity Warrants) in the framework of bond financing flexible by issuing reserved OCABSA the benefit of the fund Braknor Fund Ltd, which has been the subject of a press release dated April 13, 2017.

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In the framework of the powers conferred upon him by the Board of directors at its meeting of April 11, 2017 to conduct the draw of the OCABSA and see the issue of the OCA (Obligations Convertible into Shares), Auplata decided to issue 4th tranche for a total amount of 1 600 000 €.

This 4 th tranche of bond debt, consisting of 320 OCABSA with a nominal value of € 5,000 each, representing a total amount of 1 600 000 €, has been fully subscribed by the Fund Bracknor Fund Ltd. This show takes away the detachment of 1 021 276 BSA1, having an exercise price of 0.47 € and 160 000 BSA2, having an exercise price of $ 3.00.

The characteristics of the OCABSA and their dilutive impact of theoretical are detailed in the press release dated April 13, 2017.

It is clarified that this issue will not give rise to the establishment of a prospectus subject to the visa of the AMF.

Auplata pointed out that all of the OCA of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd tranches have been converted to date.

Objectives of the operation

The issuance of this new installment is designed to finance the external growth and internal of the company.

Auplata in brief

Based in French Guiana, Auplata is the 1st producer of French gold quoted on the stock Exchange. The company has more than 700 km2 of the licence and mining titles in French Guiana. Auplata pursuing a strategy of industrial and innovative financial development of the gold resource guyanese with a strong involvement of local actors. The company’s objective is to propose a sustainable exploitation for the mining industry of guyana.

Since June 2015, Auplata is a shareholder of the mining company of ivory coast OMCI, owner of two mining projects in Côte d’ivoire.

The share capital of Auplata is composed of 67 479 076 shares listed on the Alternext market in Paris (Euronext). ISIN : FR0010397760 – ALAUP ; ICB : 1777 – Gold Mining.

For more information on the company Auplata :

About Bracknor

Bracknor Capital LTD is the investment manager of Bracknor Investment (Dubai, United Arab Emirates). The mandate of Bracknor is to invest globally in equity in SMES, which it considers as having a competitive advantage and unique growth-enhancing in the short and long term, and this, in order to allow these companies to raise finance competitively, for the purpose of growth and/or working capital.

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