If the importance of training and learning within the company agreed, the sharing of experiences between employees of different generations is not smooth. A topic at the heart of the debate ” Entrepreneurs and new generations, what have we to learn from each other ? “organized by Agefos-PME in the context of the Spring of optimism, march 23, at the CCI Paris-Ile-de-France.
The transmission of knowledge is paramount to the survival of the company, agreed all the participants. “A third of our agencies have been taken over by our staff, indicates in the preamble Christine Fumagalli, president of the network Orpi. The transmission of knowledge is an economic issue and fundamental to the sustainability of the business “. “To preserve our independence and to remain French, it should not be lost all the capital accumulated technical, stressed, for his part, Renaud Desforges, HR director of Air Liquide Advanced Technologies. When someone retires, the question arises as to the transmission of its know-how “.
If the young recruits consider themselves rather positively on the learning of their elders, this is not without a few reservations. According to an exclusive poll Agefos-PME revealed on the occasion of this debate, almost all of the young people surveyed think that the transmission of knowledge between employees of different ages is essential to the success of the company. Nevertheless, one in two considers that this transmission turns out to be complicated because of the generational differences and that it impedes the capacity for innovation of young people.
The sharing of experience is not so natural
Difficulties that does not deny Renaud Desforges. On jobs requiring technical know-how very sharp, his company was sought to foster the sharing of experiences between employees in end-of-career and young freshly recruited in the company. “…