Press release 2017-06-16
Positive results of the industrial evaluation of the oliveCEPT®
Positive results have been obtained in the industrial evaluation of the oliveCEPT® in Argentina at the same time has the harvest period has been extended until the end of July, which gives good opportunities to collect data for the extended evaluation. The project is implemented in close cooperation with a global technology company.
As announced in april implemented an industrial evaluation of the oliveCEPT® with the renowned argentine food company Solfrut. Our broadcast representative on site, has announced that the preliminary results that have been evaluated by a third-party, is positive. Sampling and analysis is carried out by INTA (Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria) at the San Juan university, with support from the university of Perugia, Italy. oliveCEPT® plant is installed in a production line with a capacity of 3 m3/h and has been running in full production since may 22.
The harvesting period has been extended by one month, this means that the evaluation will be extended until the month of July. The extension gives us the opportunity to further tune-up the equipment and collect data. Accordingly, the final results will be available during the late summer.
– We see promising results from our oliveCEPT®facility at Solfrut. The installation process currently, three tonnes of olives per hour in a crisp production facility and which meets the high demands of industrial availability. We are pleased that the evaluation can be continued for another month, because then we get even better opportunity to refine our platform, ” says Johan Möllerström, managing director, Arc Aroma Pure.
For further information, please contact:
Johan Möllerström, managing director
(+46) 768 – 86 81 78
The information in this press release is such that the Arc Aroma Pure AB is obliged to publish under the EU marknadsmissbruksförordning. The information was submitted, by the activities contacts in the government, for publication on 16th June 2017 there is 08:30.
If the Arc Aroma Pure AB (publ)
Arc Aroma Pure has developed a way to control the electric pulses that provide a high energy yield. Through the CEPT® platform, which is a generator, the technology used in the biogas, wastewater treatment and extraction. The platform uses short-duration high voltage pulses that blow up the cell membrane and kills unwanted micro-organisms. Optimisation of biogas production and the introduction of new commodities which are not used today is in the focus. Water, ballast water and the liquid food are examples of other CEPT® applications. The company was founded in 2008, has its registered office in Lund, sweden and offices in Shanghai. Arc Aroma Pure’s shares are listed on NASDAQ OMX First North Premier. Erik Penser Bank is Certified Adviser and can be reached at 08 – 463 80 00.
170616 PM AAP Argentina industrial appraisal