It is the bête noire of the opticians, who accuse them of all evils : they divert their customer base, would organize their dependence and the precariousness of their situation, might lead to the decline of the quality, would complicate them with their management… ” They “, what are these six platforms of management of networks of care, created by the supplementary insurance in the early 2000s to allow their clients access to preferential rates, in particular in the field of optics.
Many insured are unaware of it, although nearly 50 million French people have today access to these structures, the name of which appears so small on their insurance card : they are called Carte Blanche, Istya, Itelis, Kalivia, Santéclair and Sévéane. However, it is on that account the government to consolidate a sustainable supply chain perspective, the condition of the decline of the rest to load.
Without be opinion leaders, they guide the market. The contract between the network and the optician is to exchange lower prices against higher volumes sold. These platforms are divided into two categories, depending on whether they are “open” or ” closed “. The first agree to the opticians in the fixed and favor the proximity and accessibility of geographical, involving up to 8,000 opticians in White Card and Istya.
Method hypersélective
Seconds, to know Santéclair and Itelis, proceed to a selection a lot more strict of the dealers on the basis of a specification, very detailed. They do not aggregate more than 3,000 opticians in the territory, and prefer the lower prices by higher volumes sold, with a numerus clausus by catchment area.
The profitability of opticians is highly sensitive to the volumes
They allow a limited supply of frames and lenses that are referenced (three glassmakers are referenced in Santéclair), set fees, and moving strongly to their customers by differentiating the refunds…