Ironically, the only city to present a stand in the space the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, the show of consumer electronics, which closes on Friday 12 January, enshrines, for the first time, the smart cities… Las Vegas. “Intelligent “, this city built in the middle of the desert with a great deal of urban sprawl, whose economy relies exclusively on tourism and gambling, almost devoid of public transport, surrounded by highways and parking lots ?
More known under the nickname of “sin city” (” city of sin “) that as a smart city, Las Vegas has launched a vast programme of equipment and experiments to develop a management connected to the public space. The city has partnered with the american Cisco (computer) and the japanese Hitachi (electronics), which has cameras and sensors at all intersections and centralize these data in real time on a digital platform, integrated in a control centre of the municipality.
“It is both a planning tool and response. We focus first on the problems of circulation, safety, air quality, says Michael Sherwood, director of the department of information technologies of the city. With these systems, we follow in real time the congestion, the pollution, the behaviour of pedestrians… We can redirect the traffic using intelligent traffic lights. “
“We need to densify’
Most of the data are made accessible to the public, promises to the city, such as allowing start-ups to invent urban applications based on the use of this information.
Playing field of these experiments : a broad “district of innovation” in the historic city centre. This is where rolls the first shuttle self-circulation in the actual United States, a vehicle Navya operated by the French Keolis. “It is…