The Budapest stock exchange share index, the BUX 78,05 accurate, or 0.22 percent decrease, 35 750,65 point, closed Friday.
The stock market turnover of 6,6 billion huf was a leader in the shares of the Mol, with the exception of decreased over the previous day’s close.
Furrier Örkény, Raiffeisen Bank Zrt. salesman told MTI, uneventful Friday’s trading on the Budapest stock exchange, the BUX has not moved significantly during the day published u.s. GDP data the city shall be in accordance with, did not affect the budapest stock trading.
Miró Joseph, Erste Investment Zrt. senior analyst the M1 current channel has called attention to the BUX during the day in the positive range also moved, the slight decrease is also slightly outperformed the BSE stock index of the international index compared to. He added: the Richter quick report was better than expected, didn’t have to decrease the rate of, according to him, the pharmaceutical paper price of the ailing ruble.
Mol 155 huf, 0,71% 22 100 huf strengthened, 1.6 billion forints in circulation.
OTP share price 25 huf, 0,26 percent 9500 huf decreased turnover of 1.5 billion huf.
Magyar Telekom rate of 3 huf, of 0.64 percent 467 huf for events, traffic 120,5 million huf.
The Richter paper rate 90 huf, 1,33 percent 6660 huf weakened, the share turnover of huf 2.0 billion.
The BUMIX 2711,58 point closed on Friday, this is 13,14 accurate, 0,49 percent increase on Thursday’s close relative.
The Budapest stock exchange áruszekciójában in on Friday have not changed the rates.
The feed corn is tons of September is bound to continue to 44 500 huf, the sunflower per tonne settlement price for October to 96 000 huf have left, the rape tons of August trading 101 000 huf.