Twitter forbidden to turn some of the ads related to crypto-currencies

The social network us Twitter will turn to ban on its platform with some ads related to crypto-currencies, so as to avoid attempts of fraud (Photo LOIC VENANCE. AFP)

The social network us Twitter (NYSE:TWTR) will turn to ban on its platform with some ads related to crypto-currencies, so as to avoid attempts of fraud, he announced Monday.

To 19H55 GMT, the most famous of all crypto-currencies, the bitcoin was worth 7.929, $ 52 against 8.616, $ 25 for Friday night, showing a drop of some 8%.

“We are committed to ensuring the safety of the community Twitter. For this, we have added a new rule regarding advertising on Twitter related to the crypto-currency (which states that) the demands for the raising of funds in crypto-currencies (Initial corner offerings, ICO) and sales of “+tokens virtual+ will be banned in the whole world,” said Twitter.

An ICO is to create its own virtual currency and sell it to investors paying with other cryptomonnaies or with currency traditional.

Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) and Google (NASDAQ:GOOGLE) have already announced similar measures.

The exchange of virtual currency are subject to high volatility. They are also regularly accused of being used as a tool of money laundering for criminal networks, and regulators around the world are attempting to develop oversight systems more effective and responsive.

Several countries have launched initiatives in favour of greater regulation of this market.

On march 7, the backdating of financial markets (SEC) has called on the electronic platforms on which to exchange crypto-currencies to register with its services.

The DRY monte for several months in the niche in the face of the explosion of the industry, initiating legal actions against ICO, which appears to him to be fraudulent, launching investigations on a variety of companies involved in this market and putting regularly a warning to investors.

Last week, the Finance ministers of the G20 have refused to consider the bitcoin and other crypto-currencies as a currency sovereign and alerted about their possible “implications on financial stability”.

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