Losses & Profits. The economic patriotism is deep-rooted in Italy, especially with populist governments. Ten years after the solution of the italo-Italian, made by Silvio Berlusconi to save Alitalia of the crash, the duo of Luigi Di Maio, Matteo Salvini tries to build another mounting national to put the airline back on the rails. And this is not a game of words, since the group public rail Ferrovie dello Stato (FS) were required to submit a takeover offer Wednesday, October 31, a deadline set by the government. It will have to integrate other investors… who are not lining up to the gate.
Since may of 2017 and the rejection of a rescue plan by employees, Alitalia is placed under the supervision of three commissioners appointed by the State. The parliamentary elections in march have been drummed into the cards and the new majority was given until the end of October to find a rescue plan. Mr Di Maio, the boss of the Movement 5 stars, and the minister of economic development, has recklessly advanced the names of oil company ENI, the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, Poste italiane and the group of defense-Leonardo. All have been excluded from participating in the rescue, considering these scenarios as ” without merit “, even fanciful. At the same time, the German Lufthansa were excluded from coinvestir with the Italian State.
These withdrawals weaken the mounting imagined around the ” SNCF Italian “. Mr. Di Maio sees it as yet a sense industrial and commercial : it would promote ” intermodality with a single ticket train-to-plane “, would reduce the competition on the shorter journeys, particularly in the Peninsula, and encourage Alitalia to develop the long-haul. The government plan provides that, after a “transition phase” where FS would take over Alitalia, the State would invest up to 15 %, FS is expected to fall to 51 % and two partners, one Italian and one foreign operator of air transport, would share…