“It is going to give me 500 euros a year to train me ?
– Yes, it is a line of credit, not cash.
– And I can train me to what I want ?
– Yes, the moment that the training leads to a degree or diploma recognized.
– And if I don’t use it a year, I lose ?
– No, it is cumulative over ten years, which is 5 000 euros of funding to the maximum.
– And if this is not enough to pay for the training that I’m considering, I can have more funding ?
– Yes, it is to build with his employer and with the professional branch of his business.
– And ben, it is great ! “
This exchange with Leah, a student of japanese at the national Institute of oriental languages and civilizations (Inalco), gives some answers on the personal account of formation (CPF). Just like the majority of his comrades of promo, she had never heard of the CPF.
However, this system entered into force there has been more than three years, January 1, 2015, is at the heart of the reform of vocational training, which the minister of labour, Muriel Pénicaud, presented the bill to the press on 6 April.
“Microcompétences” certified
Prior to the adoption of the draft law on the reform of the training, learning, and unemployment insurance is expected this summer, in Parliament for the effective implementation of the horizon 2020, any active employee, applicant for employment, independent, public agent – can already activate their CPF and earn not euros, but up to 150 hours of training (400 for non-qualified). 5.26 million people have activated their account and 270 000 employees have already received training through it.
But what is the point of a personal account…