The expected expansion of the Hungarian economy in the second quarter, the ministry of national economy, 2017 in the second half of the eu’s aid and the home creation programme of projects and six-year-old national minimum wage and the tax reduction effect due to faster growth, matter.
The Central statistical Office (KSH) on Wednesday published the first estimate of second quarter gross domestic product (GDP) of 3.2 percent in the previous year compared to the same period. The GDP volume in the first half of the year to 3.7 percent rise the previous year compared to the same period.
The national economy ministry (NGM) on Wednesday, the CSO data in response to communicated data corresponds to the preliminary expectations, because last year during this period was the strongest GDP growth, therefore, show the just released data for the first quarter as lower value.
The year as a whole, can be fulfilled by the government of 4.1 percent expectation – to read the bulletin.
The ministry for national economy according to the growth sustainable, the country’s external financing capacity is still outstanding, i.e. the economic performance of expansion-free the indebted from it, in fact – to-face preceding the financial crisis period, Hungary’s external debt is continuously decreasing.
The successfully catching-up countries example and the world economy is facing growth challenges indicate that we must break the previous period of low labour costs by focusing on the approach to life with the way. The 2013 growth speed after the permanent catch-up and competitiveness in job income growth, innovative enterprises, created quality jobs, the number of expansion is achieved. The six-year-old national minimum wage and tax cuts this purpose, the statistical data show that the new growth model works – it was written.
Point out to 2017 for the first five months of 12,1 percent increase in wages, double-digit growth and boosted market services acceleration. The construction, industrial production and housing construction are booming in the significant role played by the eu funds consumption boom, and the home creation programme provided by discounts. These factors in the second half, more will support the growth.