The “millennials” and the money : new codes, old reflexes

They are born between 1980 and 2000. The iPhone, their totem generational, is 10 years old. Also known as ” generation Y “, they have grown up as a teenager, or even as soon as birth, with the Web, and were very soon adopted in the mobile and social networks. “Apps like Snapchat, WhatsApp, Instagram, Airbnb, Uber, Spotify, YouTube, Netflix are part of their DNA,” noted Cyril Chiche, founder of the app of mobile payment Lydia, of which 80 % of the 800 000 users have less than 30 years.

They are the ” millennials “, the generation that burst on the labour market there is a fifteen years. In the United States, their number (80 million) comes to exceed that of baby-boomeurs ($79 million). By 2025, they will represent 75% of the assets in the world.

The millennials have a relationship with money different from that of previous generations. Demanding consumers, they misunderstand that a service is not accessible in three clicks. They have built-in codes of marketing and communication. Well-informed, they are not naive.

“Young people have desacralized the role of the banker. For them, it is above all a commercial. They give a level of confidence and prefer to learn on the internet, via social networks or visiting sites rating online, analysis Clement Menut, founder of Court’ea, broker, real estate credit. ”

A vision shared by Sébastien d’ornano, president of Yomoni, a private bank, ” pocket “, that allows to manage its investments, thanks to “robot advisors” (robots-advisors) : “The millennials apply to savings, consumer codes,” he said. They want a personalized relationship and transparent, they are willing to delegate if they have the possibility to monitor in real time the evolution of their investments and to be able to modulate instantly to their level of risk. “


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