The analysis of waiting operations is less powerful has proven to be the German economy’s manufacturing and service industrial sectors, the performance increase in the london IHS Markit economic research institute on Monday published purchasing managers index of the advance value on the basis of.
The manufacturing purchasing managers index (BMI) July preliminary value of 58,3 point decrease in the June 59,6 points.
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The service industry BMI custody July for 53,5 point was the June 54,0 points.
The manufacturing and service industry data by merging training complex BMI’s July preliminary value of 55,1 points decreased to 56,4 points.
Analysis of 54,3 points of the service industry, 59,2 point processing industrial and 56,3 point complex BMI value they expected for July.
The BMI was 50 points above the value of the test industry, the performance of the growth, 50 points below the value of shrinkage is indicated.
The BMI based on the indicators of the German economy’s growth momentum has declined somewhat in the second half at the beginning of the commented on the survey findings of Trevor Balche, the IHS Markit economist. The quantity of finished products and received orders since January, the smallest increase they noted, stressing that the overall picture, however, with this dynamic growth testifies to the July slowdown because six years is the strongest quarter after next.