The independent : how to finance his / her professional training ?

Since the 1st of January, the personal account of formation (CPF) is open to independent workers, liberals, and business leaders to non-employees. As a result, their account will be automatically credited with twenty-four hours per year. They will be able to combine this training time to a maximum of 120 (and 150) hours as the employees.

The non-salaried workers had already contributed to the training fund dedicated to it. As such, they may benefit from support in funding their training, just like their spouses to be employees, even if their business is recent. Only condition : be current in the payment of the contribution to vocational training. In 2016, the insurance Fund formation of the heads of craft enterprises (Fafcea) has supported the training of 104 737 beneficiaries, to support an average of 472 € to 17 hours (or 28 euros per hour).

Capped amount

The steps to complete a funding application remain the same. The self-employed worker must apply the training insurance funds (FAF) to which it contributes. These FAF should develop a list of training eligible.

The amounts charged can vary from simple to triple depending on the activity, the FAF and the type of training chosen. Regardless of the number of hours automatically credited to his account CPF, the amounts awarded are usually capped. For example, the Fund interprofessional training of liberal professionals (FIF-PL) are responsible for the cost of training for translators and interpreters at the height of 1 400 euros maximum per year for training courses directly related to these professions (placement of voice, for example). For a balance of competencies, the support is capped at € 1 500.

The training Insurance Funds of the trade, industry and services (Agefice) stands, as to him, its funding at 50 euros per hour and 2 450 euros…

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