France passes through an episode heatwave with temperatures above 10°C during the normal season. Then as the harvests begin, these heat penalize the filling of the grain during development.
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Paris, June 21, 2017 ” In a context that is scorching hot and water deficit persisting over a large part of the country, yields of wheat for harvest in 2017 should be lower relative to the olympic average 5-year-old frenchwoman who is 74.0 Q/ha “, explains Michel Portier, ceo of Agritel. The wheat tender and barley in the spring ought to be most impacted, particularly in the North of the Loire, where the phase-sensitive filling are in progress. In parallel, the purposes of cycle of hot and dry weather supported a good quality of wheat millers and to the contrary, adverse to that of barley beer.
“To compensate for the loss of volume, producers hexagon would need a price increase that, to be sustainable, can only come from the international scene,” said Michel Portier. However, to date, the increase in the price of wheat on the world market remains measured because of the large stocks in the major exporting countries and a production satisfactory expected on the basin of the Black sea. The degradation potential of the crop in 2017 could again weaken the grain producers, and more broadly the whole sector already impacted by the poor harvests of 2016.
“The qualified information, gathered by our local networks are also raising concerns about a degradation of the spring wheats the u.s.,” explains Michel Porter. Thus, Agritel remains alert in dry and hot weather which extends to the European Union, the USA and Australia.
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