The government wants to bring at least 20 billion additional to healthcare, education, and care during the next term, to welfare, to maintain high quality in the whole country.
The sade minister for finance Magdalena Andersson at a press conference in Visby on Wednesday.
More baby boomers and more elderly people are driving up the costs in the welfare sector and to ensure security and equality across the country, the state must guarantee the resources to the welfare in order to avoid sharp tax increases or sharp cuts in the local government sector.
”We want to when we go to the choices, be able to promise that we provide enough resources to the local government sector. The level should be raised to at least 20 billion per year. I feel very confident that we will be able to increase resources by at least 20 billion the next term, if we prioritize,” she said.
20 billion is required just to maintain the current level of welfare and the minister of finance hopes to bring more than that, but this is what she already now promise, she said.
”This is a base plate to ensure that there will be large tax increases or cuts in the municipalities. Then we have of course higher ambitions than that,” said Magdalena Andersson.
To a question about what happens if it becomes a recession, she replied that the government makes the assessment that this bet cleared yet and she referred to the fact that, while the structural balance is strong. She confirmed that the government will also have to have money for other areas that need resurstillskott, as the armed forces and the police.
She didn’t say anything about what other election promises that social democrats will set out for the next mandate.
”Exactly which campaign promises we will and we will get back to. This is a great promise,” she said.
When it comes to the social Democrats ‘ big election promise before the current term of office, the EU’s lowest unemployment rate 2020, she said to välfärdspengarna will create a lot of jobs and that they correspond to 40.000 nurses.
The money for welfare will be distributed according to the needs and financed from the ”economic space” that is created.
Requests from the economists to reduce the tax on work and answered her by saying that it would be able to be a part of a major tax reform, which maybe can be discussed the next term, depending on how the parliamentary situation then look out.
She repeated, at the same time to the government in the autumn when the budget is presented to inform the three tax increases that the opposition want to stop will actually be implemented.
Magdalena Andersson replaces in the year, prime minister Stefan Löfven as a speaker in the World. The prime minister has chosen not to come to the political summit, but traveling during the week instead around to various other locations in Sweden.
Tradingportalen/Agency Directly.
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