The case of GM&S is in the process of turning to vinegar for the government and French car manufacturers ? While the government is trying to save the company creusoise threatened with winding up by the court, the automakers, themselves, are annoyed to be singled out, and in spite of their commitments, financial and industrial.
The tension mounts between the PSA and the government
The voltage up a notch yesterday after a communication of the ministry of Economy indicating that PSA was not prepared to enter into the round table demanded by the potential buyers, the group GMD, the French specialist of the stamping.
“The State and the Renault group have confirmed their willingness to fund 5 million euros, i.e. a total of 10 million, highlights Bercy in a press release. The PSA group has confirmed this update to the minister of economy and finance that it did not wish to participate in this funding. It lacks, therefore, 5 million euros to ensure a successful recovery “, reads the press release of the ministry.
What, PSA responded immediately by means of a press release sent out late Monday… ” The group (PSA, ed) regrets that incorrect information could have been disseminated by the Ministry “, wrote the group’s first French car. And remember that it is ” still committed to investing in GM&S with a specific plan of € 4 million to generate a turnover of 36 million euros. PSA is by far the most important medium expressed in this case.”
Imminent decision of the commercial court
The commercial court must rule on Wednesday on the recovery plan proposed by the GMD and who intends to save 120 of 277 jobs of the site. The employees of GM&S have, therefore, decided to increase the pressure. On Tuesday morning, they have decided to block the site Renault Villeroy. They are calling for a greater involvement of the automobile manufacturers in French, but also benefits larger for the employees who will be dismissed in the context of the recovery plan.
The risk is that this case tired of the protagonists of the discussions. PSA has threatened to pull out : “The implementation of this plan it is possible that, in the absence of any new action of the employees of GM&S to one of its sites, which would be regarded as a new aggression vis-à-vis its 70,000 employees French. Such an action would untie the PSA Group of any commitment. “As a reminder, the employees of GM&S had blocked in the beginning of July, the site PSA, Sept-Fons, causing heavy damage in the supply chain industrial PSA. The group had even had to resort to helicopters to deliver parts essential to the continuation of its production.
A local issue essential
In the buyer of saint-etienne, the enthusiasm is no longer the same. In a letter addressed to Carlos Tavares, accessed by The World, Alain Martineau, CEO of GMD, explains : “This recovery is only motivated by conditions of land use, social problems and disturbances, all of which are the responsibility of the public authorities. “In other words, the takeover of GM&S is more controlled by the requirements of local and national policies, as an industrial and economic logic. It must be said that the challenge for the Hollow is huge since it is the first local employer that is at risk of disappearing…