Active Biotech’s annual general meeting held on 15 June 2017.
In accordance with the board’s proposal, it was decided that no dividend would be paid.
The board of directors and the managing director were discharged from liability for the 2016 administration.
In accordance with the nomination committee’s proposal re-elected board members Mats Arnhög, Magnhild Sandberg-Wollheim, Peter Sjöstrand and Peter Thelin. The meeting re-elected Mats Arnhög chairman of the board. KPMG AB was re-elected as auditors.
The meeting decided, in accordance with the nomination committee’s proposal, that the nomination committee shall consist of representatives for at the end of september 2017, the three largest shareholders and the chairman of the board.
The agm approved the board’s proposal regarding guidelines for remuneration to the managing director and other senior executives. The guidelines essentially correspond to the principles applied until now.
The agm decided, in accordance with the board’s proposals in this regard, if the authorization of the board, at the next time of the next annual general meeting decide on the issue of a maximum of nine million new shares and/or convertibles with the corresponding dilution effect, with or without preferential rights for the company’s shareholders.
The annual general meeting resolved, in accordance with the board’s proposal to reduce the company’s share capital by approximately 364.464.039 dollars for allocation to unrestricted equity, without cancellation of shares, and to reduce the statutory reserve by approximately 118.870.784 dollars for allocation to unrestricted equity. The annual general meeting decided, in addition, if the amendment of the articles of association in accordance with the board’s proposal.
Lund, June 16, 2017
Active Biotech AB (publ)
Tomas Leanderson
Executive director
For further information, please contact:
Hans Kolam, CFO
Tel 046 19 20 44
Active Biotech AB (publ) (NASDAQ Stockholm: ACTI) is a biotechnology company focused on the development of drugs for the treatment of neurodegenerative/inflammatory diseases and cancer. Laquinimod, a substance in tablet form with unique immunomodulatory properties is in phase 2 trials for the treatment of primärprogressiv multiple sclerosis and Huntington’s disease. Anyara, a immunonkologisk substance, has undergone clinical phase 1-2/3 of the patients with pancreatic-, lunch – or renal cancer. Furthermore, the conducted commercial activities for the projects tasquinimod, paquinimod and SILC. For further information please visit
Active Biotech AB
( 556223-9227)
Box 724, 220 07 Lund, Sweden
Tel 046-19 20 00
The annual general meeting of Active Biotech AB