Any undertaking which is linked to agriculture, and the derived knowledge is converted to industrial a and commercial capital, it is especially important to the Hungarian government; the Balogh Pasta Co. one such undertaking – declared prime minister Viktor Orbán, the Balogh Pasta Co. new plant opening ceremony on Thursday, Tiszakécskén.
The head of government emphasized: the Hungarian agriculture to. This is what our genes, and the knowledge passed from father to son. Agriculture is a high-level international doing to be most suitable – said the head of government.
MTI Photo: Czeglédi Zsolt
He added: it is important for the Balogh Pasta Co. investment, because a family business has achieved. Like you said: the plant is an industrial facility, what volume of determinant of the Hungarian national economy, and that the total national product in terms of not indifferent.
Highlight: the Hungarian people have a gift that you feel good in their skin, if the selected food is exactly as you may know, that Hungarian land from and Hungarian results of his work. “This is the aspect of the future is more beneficial, and I hope such habits living community, nation we stay,” he said.
The prime minister talked about the Balogh Pasta Co. probably owes its success to “never scared of his own shadow”. Never broken down or retired, but the way of the future and you are looking for, and continuous improvements through did you get to where you are now. Big lesson from the success of an agricultural business for the long term, then help, if not only for the Hungarian market, but also exit the international market, he added.
Viktor orban, the economic situation and said: today there is hardly unemployed in the country who wants to work can find a job: the unemployment because 4 percent area and 3.5 per cent is full employment quality. The development is not new and new jobs creation, but also the newer and newer, greater knowledge and technological knowledge is needed job creation.
MTI Photo: Czeglédi Zsolt
The prime minister explained: in the last period, all european nations would learn that “only don’t be determined if on two legs”. On the one hand, there is a need for foreign investment, which with production plants established in Hungary. The other foot, however, the Hungarian owned enterprises and capital can be added. “If you’ve got both legs, and roughly the same strength in the Hungarian economy can’t be knocked over”, he declared. If, however, we have not paid sufficient attention to the Hungarian enterprises, the Hungarian capital, kingston, and the Hungarian investors, then the first breeze then a week to the economy, as in 2008, the crisis also covered us – he put it.
Any good today, the Hungarian economic indicators, no matter how successful entrepreneurs we see around us, we should always remember those terrible efforts, when ten use your fingernail to scrape ourselves out of the pit, where the communist system is the better fate, it is worth Hungary repelled – emphasized Viktor Orbán.
Tóth János (Fidesz), Tiszakécske mayor at the ceremony, said: Hungary’s second largest with a production capacity pasta factory, the Balogh Pasta Co. 25 tisza kécskei, provide work. In addition, the undertaking of the local handball department is key sponsor, but a regular out with donations helping the child welfare and family services, as well as the social home.
Balogh László, the owner of the company highlight: currently, the export ratio of 20 percent. They deliver to Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine, Slovenia, Croatia and into Bosnia, but there is already a chinese partner. Plans think within three years the production is seventy per cent is exported and then added.
The family business as a start-Balogh Pasta Co. almost two and a half decades has become one of the largest domestic pasta production liveable. The Hungarian-owned company’s materials exclusively Hungarian suppliers.
MTI Photo: Czeglédi Zsolt
In 1993, jász karajenőn firm’s first plant of a capacity of a few years, was not enough, so in 2002 a new pasta factory construction became necessary. The new plant in 2013 to become under stress.
The tisza kécskei factory construction in July 2015 started. The 8500-square-foot plant in the first phase, an hour 2250 kilograms of pasta production and packaging equipment series installed. The investment costs reach the 2.7 billion forints, of which the bank loan of 1.6 billion huf eu support 500 million huf.
The Balogh Pasta Co. the previous year, 9 thousand tons of product produced. Sales net sales in 2016 1,316 billion huf, while in the previous financial year 1,311 billion. The turnover, the greater part of domestic sales, in 2016, about 1.14 billion huf of the previous year, and 1,105 billion huf. The company’s after tax profit in 2015 161 million huf, while in 2016, 200 million huf.