The SME specialized in the prevention of occupational risks place its 10 years under the sign of renewal thanks to the virtual reality
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Nantes, June 13, 2017 it was Created in 2014 in Saint-Nazaire, the Technocampus Smart Factory has created an ecosystem of “virtual reality applied to industry” is unique in France, a platform for collaboration between public institutions, major groups, start-ups and SMES that would benefit everyone. The agency Nantes Saint-Nazaire Development underlines the great success of the ecosystem with the example of the SMES NEMA, which today celebrates its 10 years and up virtual reality in the heart of its development for the years to come.
A unique ecosystem in France, which benefits all
If the industrial centre for virtual reality Technocampus Smart Factory not already 5 or 6 equivalents in France, it is the only one to be accessible to all, an ecosystem he helped to create. The Technocampus Smart Factory has been designed in 2014 by the pays de Loire region, at the request of major industrial customers in the territory, who are engaged on a number of orders to enable him to see the light of day. Beyond bringing its cutting-edge equipment at the disposal of these large industrial companies and to facilitate collaborations between groups and start-ups in the sector, the centre also opens its facility to SMES, who do have usually never access.
NEMA place its 10 years under the sign of virtual reality with ” a scene that gives vertigo ! ”
Florence Geoffroy-Sarzeau co-directs the SMES NEMA, organization of prevention of occupational risks based in Saint-Nazaire. With the Technocampus Smart Factory, his business partner and she has designed a scene of virtual reality in the objective of adapting the behaviour to the risk of fall from height. The choice of the theme was imposed by the statistics of ” accidents “. In fact, all too often workers have behaviors that are not safe to save time or out of habit. The reality of the scene back to actual work conditions and daily situations, users must make decisions constantly and being aware of their consequences. NEMA has sought to complement the sensations and, therefore, to put virtual reality in the situation : movement on a real floor of scaffolding, and presence of a fan to give the feel of outdoors and the dissemination of odors representative of building industry, background noise and sound messages transmitted via headphones for total immersion.
This project has been triggered by a speech by the President of Saint-Nazaire Audacity, citing a study announcing that in 20 years, 50% of the trades would have undergone the digital transformation, and that companies who did not take today the way of digitization would be the first to disappear. The contact Technocampus Smart Factory has allowed to think what that could bring virtual reality to the craft, especially in the change of the attitude towards risk-taking. Thanks to a fruitful collaboration with the centre and the start-up nazairienne, Creasynth, a teaching concept innovative has seen the light of day in less than 6 months.
“After several months of use and testing, we are convinced by the ability of this tool to achieve the expected results on behavior modification.” declares Florence Geoffroy-Sarzeau, co-leader of NEMA. “We have already requests customers to do the scene and we begin to think of new scenes to expand our proposals. ”
“We are delighted with the impact that the virtual reality in the development of NEMA,” says Sophie Sagot-Duvauroux, Director of the Technocampus Smart Factory. “We will continue to democratize the uses of this technology with a maximum of companies to help, such as NEMA, to pass a course in their activity “.
Since 2014, Technocampus Smart Factory, industrial centre for virtual reality, is specialized in the digitization of the industry. With pooled facilities of the art in the field of virtual reality, Technocampus Smart Factory enables companies of all sectors to take ownership of the industrial uses of virtual reality and contributes to the development of links between the digital and the manufacturing.
About Nantes Saint-Nazaire Development : The economic development agency and international Nantes Saint-Nazaire Development has four core missions in service of employment and the attractiveness of the territory nanto-nazairien : 1. The exploration companies, investors, events, professionals and talents in France and worldwide, 2. Their reception and accompaniment, 3. The coordination and promotion of the territory for professional meetings, and 4. The animation, promotion and marketing of the territory in France and internationally. The agency has 25 employees.
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