The Swedish industry’s production is expected to increase by 2.3 per cent this year, following an increase in production of 1.9 percent last year. Transportation equipment, mining and steel, and machinery and metal going strong, while the food and the plastics and rubber industry show zero growth.
It is clear from the semi-annual konjunkturbedömningen from branschekonomerna in the industry.
”The technology industry is , together with the mines and the steel of the engine in the Swedish industry today. The automotive industry plays a major role and it is important to safeguard the Swedish automotive industry opportunities for development”, says Anders Rune, chief economist association of Swedish engineering industries, in a statement.
Industry branschekonomer makes also a global view where they describe that the global GDP growth has shifted down to a lower rate of growth in the years after the financial crisis compared to the years before the crisis. A decline in productivity and arbetskraftstillväxt strikes against the trend, and this slowdown has affected virtually all economies but particularly the former emerging economies.
Despite this, the global growth better than last year, when the industry stagnated. The development in China means more growth globally. Europe, where Germany determines the rate of growth, is now somewhat better than the united states.
Mats Kinnwall, chief economist at Industriarbetsgivarna, says to the News agency Directly to you can observed that the industry is a little better this year than last year, but it looks different in different industries.
”But we see the right moderate growth rates, there is no jätteraket directly, and it depends on that global growth remains sluggish,” says Mats Kinnwall and adds that productivity growth is much lower and because the industry exports the majority of its production, it becomes a crucial factor.
”To get the bunny on the whole, we would need to strengthen the competitiveness here at home, recieve wait for the global growth momentum”, according to the chefekonomen.
Mats Kinnwalls recipe for improving the competitiveness here at home include reduced arbetsgivarkostnader, lower taxes on income and for the companies and a generally better business climate. Because Sweden is situated far from their markets, and the large distances gives the transportation costs, this would need to be compensated in other ways.
”We’ve probably been a little on the high agreement. Now we have an agreement, which in any case do not impair competitiveness,” says Mats Kinnwall.
Tradingportalen/Agency Directly.
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