On the occasion of the first review of its strategic plan Ambitions Pro for officers of SME/VSE, BNP Paribas and OpinionWay published a study exclusively on the report of the French entrepreneurship.
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The results of the study1, BNP Paribas / OpinionWay “The French and entrepreneurship,” showed that nearly half of French (45%) are attracted by the entrepreneurial adventure, in a context that seems more conducive to business creation, especially for new generations.
1/ entrepreneurship is a topic of interest to nearly half of the French
Nearly one in two French (45%) plans to create its activity
For more than a third of the French (35%), the trigger factor remains the innovative idea, to an equal share (34%) with a boost to finance the launch of its new activity
60% of French people consider that it is easier to undertake now than in the past, when one is young
For the French, the essential qualities for successful enterprise creation are : self-confidence (28%), rigor (27%), the direction of the organization (27%) and creativity (25%)
2/ entrepreneurship corresponds to a mode of life
For almost one French person in five (22%), owning your own business also allows for a better reconciliation of work and private life. In a more general way to create his or her company is perceived primarily as a means of doing a job more in line with his personality and his values. The dream of creating his own business is first and foremost to the ideal of being able to live a job that corresponds better to the personality of each one, which has a meaning and that allows to overcome some of the constraints.
3/ The bank’s key partner for the entrepreneurs
2 thirds of the French consider the banks as key partners for business founders
87% of the French expect from their banking partner payment facilities and tailor-made solutions in the field of financing
58% of French consumers want from their banking partner of tax and legal advice
If the desire to create a company that appeals to the French, they considered themselves to be generally quite poorly informed about the terms of business creation. To cope with their uncertainties and help them to mount their entrepreneurial project in good conditions, the French would turn primarily to their banks to undertake,two French out of three (66%) whereas the banks as crucial partners.
If the French consider the banks as indispensable partners in the creation of their company, they would not necessarily be their usual bank : 55% would turn to their usual bank, while 67% would prefer to bank with the best support of services (67%) or with the best offer of funding (61%).
Finally, the French pay attention to the different services offered by the banks and the services they can provide to launch their project in the best conditions.
In this regard, Laurent Monet, Director Marketing Retail at BNP Paribas, said : “This study shows us that in addition to funding, the French want banks to provide support services specific to entrepreneurs. At BNP Paribas, we share this expectation and this is why we launched our plan a Ambitions Pro and an offering dedicated to the creators with the Pack #Lancezvous “.
Plan BNP Paribas Ambitions Pro
To accompany the spirit of entrepreneurship in France, BNP Paribas launched in September 2015, the strategic plan “Ambition Pro” to affirm the commitments of the Bank to the sides of the leaders of VSES/SMES.
BALANCE sheet 2016
– More than 46,000 openings Pro account in France, of which more than 1 client on 2, a creator of business (+25% compared to 2015)
– 2.100 financing solutions available each week for business customers
(+30% in volume compared to 2015 on the investment credits
– Real-time response to requests for credits online : delivery of the solution Flexilia,
the ease of online cashier and delivery of the offer LOA (Lease Option Purchase) online
– Personalized advice and simplification of procedures : delivery of Facilidom Pro (to facilitate mobility)
– +13% of agents for customer Pro since 2015
GOALS 2017
– 45.000 openings Pro account in France, of which 60% on the target for the creators of business
– 3,200 M of investment credits
To support the creation of a company, BNP Paribas, launches the Pack #Lancezvous
This offer banking of BNP Paribas, valid until 29 July 2017, dedicated to new entrepreneurs includes 6 months of service gratuits2 on :
– the contribution to the offer “Free Spirit Pro”
– commissions payment
– the rent of the TPE of the offer TEPEO+
– the payment solution BNP Paribas
– the subscription and the registration fee of the offer Mercanet.
Contest My Pub By 2017
For the 4th consecutive year, BNP Paribas offers a media exposure scale to innovative entrepreneurs, the 14 winners of the competition in My Pub by 2017 will benefit from advertising campaigns, customized, with an endowment with a total value of nearly € 500 000.Among the 14 winners, the grand prize winner will be offered an additional allocation of 60,000, but also the dissemination of its advertising on 8,000 screens to digital of the BNP Paribas agencies in France.
[1] Methodology :this study was conducted among a sample of 1,054 persons representative of the French population aged 18 years and over. This sample was formed according to the method of quotas, in terms of the criteria of gender, age, socio-occupational category, category of agglomeration and area of residence. The interviews were conducted online on system CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interview) on 12 and 13 April 2017. For a sample of 1,000 people, the margin of uncertainty is 1.5 to 3 points.
[2] Offer valid until 29 July 2017 and reserved to the creators of company of which the company is registered for less than 3 years of the date of subscription. Gratuity is applicable for the contribution to supply Free Spirit Pro (excluding options and subject to acceptance of your file by BNP Paribas), for the commissions payment and rent for the TPE of the offer TEPEO+ and e-payment offer BNP Paribas, and the subscription and registration fees to the offer Mercanet. Each of these offers may be purchased separately. See details of these offers on the site mabanquepro or from your adviser. BNP Paribas, SA au capital de 2 494 005 306 . Head office : 16 boulevard des Italiens, 75009 Paris. Immatriculée sous le n° 662 042 449 RCS Paris. ** Call non-premium. Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-19 p.m. and Saturday, 9 h-17: 30 excluding public holidays.
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