Paris, 22 June – The sites of online sales platforms and issues of the collaborative economy. allow more French to supplement their income.
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Anytime, Fintech, which provides entrepreneurs an online account alternative or complementary to the banks, conducted alongside YouGov, a survey of 1,001 people representative of the population. Its objective, to know the magnitude of this trend, and to identify the sites and other solutions identified by the French as a way to receive additional income to their main activity.
More than 1 out of 3 French has an additional source of income
37% of the French say they use sites sale, rent, delivery and/or other sales activities and non-work as additional source of income ;
An increased tendency among the population aged 25-34 that are 46% to support the use of a source of additional revenue.
To the question ” Among the sites of sale, rental, delivery, and/or following activities, which are your sources of income to complement your salary ? “, Anytime and YouGov suggested more than 20 choices of answers.
The respondents could choose among sites or sales practices, such as, Ebay, Etsy, PriceMinister or even the flea markets ; sites of rental between private individuals such as AirBnb, Drivy, Ouicar, PAP, Koolicar, etc ; but also among the professional activities sometimes as complementary services VTC, Foodora, Hopwork and Deliveroo.
Leboncoin, THE site reclaimed to round up his end of the month
Leboncoin is by far the site selling the most used : 26% of the French use this site to generate additional revenue ;
The sites of sale of new products or of occasion Ebay and PriceMinister are used by respectively 9% and 7% of the French ;
The activities of selling more rooted in the local life and neighborhood have their importance : 9% of French use the empty attics and 6% thrift stores to round out their purposes of months ;
Airbnb is an additional source of income for 6% of the French.
Trend in the city… like in the campaign
There is no typical profile of a French that uses means online or physical as an additional source of income : the proportion of French who has recourse to this practice in the villages, small towns and large cities is the same : 37%.
This trend does not appear to be linked to the work situation, since among the French who claim to have an additional source of income, 40% of the respondents are working and 44% are inactive.
“The platforms from the collaborative economy. have boosted the initiatives of the French to collect regular or ad hoc basis as a source of income complementary to their employment. 37% of the French are what we call ” entrepreneurial “, that is to say, people who have to manage more than their expenses and their daily gains.
As business leaders, they manage their inventory, contacts, releasing time to sell or rent their property and have of this fact, as well as pros, of the banking needs specific to distinguish and better manage their accounts according to the manner in which they are supplied. They are likely to have a main account dedicated to the accommodation of their salaries and fixed expenses and a secondary account reserved to their complementary activity and spending pleasure by example, ” says Damien DUPOUY, founder of Anytime.
Methodology : The survey was carried out on 1,001 people representative of the population, French national aged 18 years and over. The survey was conducted online, on the panel owner YouGov in France, according to the method of quotas, from 14 to 15 June 2017.
About YouGov –
Institute for the study of market regarded as one of the world leaders
Founded in 2000 in the United Kingdom, a pioneer in studies online
31 offices in 21 countries in the world
Panel owner of 175 000 people in France and over 5 million in the world
FinTech, which launched its offering in 2014, Anytime provides a account, a Mastercard card and a bouquet of financial services to businesses and individuals. Without commitment and 100% mobile, Anytime is a turnkey offer full-service that offers a suite of solutions that are simple, customizable and secure to buy, sell, collect, pay, manage, collect and send money. Anytime and an Iban/RIB and Mastercard debit and, to facilitate the management of its account, Anytime goes a step further by offering a wide range of services. As well, companies, startup, associations, or autoentrepreneurs can, among other things, manage their business expenses, secure their purchases on the internet, cash with a payment terminal or a payment button to display on its web site, while individuals may, for example, opt for the management of the ceiling of their credit card, SMS payment or repayment between friends.
Based on a technical platform is robust and open (API), Anytime also offers all of its offer in white mark to fintechs, banks, insurance companies and SMES.
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