“Stop with the gifts might be poisoned for women in the workplace “

Let’s not spoil our pleasure. On this day of mother’s day, gifts, affection and consideration are rather welcome. Especially when they come from those that are expected to be the most, our children. In contrast, when the employer gets involved in : attention, danger !

A new mode arriving from the United States has enough to intrigue. It is to offer women travel professional with their offspring. “Babies on board… for a business trip ? “, asked Cara Gontarz Hume, head of human resources at GE Finance, in a text available online as of October 5, 2017, on the social network LinkedIn. This mother of a 5-month old baby and two other children under 4 years of age was reluctant to accept a travel professional. “That’s not a problem “, he meant his manager and his mentor, suggesting to him to take the baby with her. This is what was done. Precision non-negligible, the grandmother of the baby was also on the trip. “The experience was incredible, both professionally and personally,” says the woman whose post reflects the extreme satisfaction.

The case would not be isolated. Already, in 2006, a study conducted for the national Association of american business travel indicated that 10% of the people in professional displacement, taking their children with them, women more often. And, as there are fewer women than men in positions of responsibility, it turns out that these are in fact 20 % of the women have to move, which would go along well with all or part of their lineage.

Little proposed in the Hexagon

Evidence that the practice is back in the realm of morals, the u.s. magazine Working Mother published, on the 17th of January, a list of things to do when one takes his children on a business trip. Namely : first, to prevent his boss, even if it is clearly specified that the child does gambadera not in the meeting room. Phew ! Secondly,…

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