Malakoff, June 21, 2017 – SPIE ICS, a subsidiary of digital services group SPIE to accompany the public colleges of the Sarthe in the framework of the Plan College Performing momentum by the Departmental Council of the Sarthe. This program is intended to modernize the teaching models through better access to digital. Involved for the past two years through its expertise in engineering, outsourcing and change management, SPIE ICS has already turned 22 institutions. By 2020, all the students and teachers of the 57 public institutions of the department will evolve in a school environment that is digitized, high-performance.
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The Plan College Performance of the Departmental Council of the Sarthe is one of the first projects of large-scale digital transformation of the public colleges in France. It aims to promote digital access and the educational success of the 23,000 college students in the department. The students and teachers of the public colleges of the Sarthe will be the first users of digital equipment of last generation.
8 000 computers and tablets will eventually be connected to and operated by SPIE ICS from a data center unique. Support of overall maintenance “key in hand” is put in place to provide institutions the availability of infrastructure and access to educational applications and administrative regardless of the location of the college on the territory of the Sarthe.
This infrastructure is the starting point of the harmonisation of all processes and equipment dedicated to digital learning within the 57 public colleges sarthois. The school staff of the first 22 schools should have prepared a statement unanimous : this new repository in the ways of teaching promotes genuine collaboration across the department.
Each teacher implements it independently of the tools of the “mobile classes” consisting of shelves of which the pedagogical content is being followed and taught to the students in a relationship teacher/student digitally-driven, more flexible and more efficient. The digitization of the overall college also benefits to administrative staff and teachers in mobility who wish to stay connected.
SPIE ICS is based on a strong local presence to lead this project to the sides of the Departmental Council of the Sarthe. The teams that modernize the facilities and provide for the outsourcing of the entire Plan College Performance are based within the entity SPIE ICS of le Mans. To strengthen this closeness, and to ensure a responsive service, and without disruption to the colleges, teachers and students, SPIE ICS has created more than a dozen jobs.
“To contribute to the success of its college students, via their access to the digital world, fits in perfectly with our desire to facilitate the digital experience,” says Vincent Magnon, managing director of SPIE ICS. “The strength of our regional infrastructure, and our expertise are the two cornerstones of our collaboration with the Departmental Council of the Sarthe. ”
“The Plan College Performance is carried out by the Department of the Sarthe, with the european regional development fund”
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A subsidiary of digital services group SPIE in France, SPIE ICS is specialized in services related to ICT infrastructure, from the environment to users until the data center. His vocation is to “co-construct” with its customers, ETI and major accounts, innovative services tailored to their professions, to support the transformation to digital and simplify the digital experience.
With 3 200 employees and 60 branches in France, SPIE ICS designs, implements and maintains ICT infrastructure through a comprehensive offer of services : consulting & engineering, project & integration, managed services & maintenance, cloud & managed services. It has 5 areas of expertise technology for installations of energy-saving and environment friendly : unified communications & collaboration, IP infrastructures & security, data center, environment, users, Smart buildings & the internet of things.
On his segment France
SPIE supports its customers through the 5 regional subsidiaries of proximity* and 3 national subsidiaries of specialty**. With 16 000 employees in close to 300 sites, SPIE has carried out on its segment in France with a turnover of 2.2 billion euros in 2016.
* SPIE Ile-de-France Nord-Ouest, SPIE Est, SPIE Sud-est, SPIE Sud-Ouest, SPIE Ouest-Centre.
** SPIE Facilities (maintenance of the buildings and FM), SPIE CityNetworks (networks and telecoms), SPIE ICS (digital services).
About the SPIE group
With nearly 600 sites in 38 countries and 38,000 employees, the SPIE group has achieved, in 2016, a consolidated turnover of 5.1 billion euros and an EBITA statement for 352 million euros.
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