Smartphones, apps, forums… the Arcep, is concerned about reduced access to the Internet

Arcep has found a new hobbyhorse. In a report published Thursday, 15 February, the regulatory Authority of electronic communications and postal services has decided to address the ” terminals, the weak links in the openness of the Internet “.

While she was up there mainly to Internet service providers (ISP) to ensure the neutrality of the Net – that is to say, free access for everyone to all content on the Internet, and that all content be treated the same way by the operators , this approach appeared to be restrictive.

Also read :

Why the end of Net neutrality fear

“We became interested in the pipes, not the faucets,” says Sébastien Soriano, president. However, depending on whether the individual uses a computer or phone, the content available or put forward may differ. Ditto depending on the brand of smartphone used.

The uses have changed

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