The annual general meeting of the shareholders of Safran (nyse Euronext Paris : SAF) met today under the chairmanship of Ross McInnes, Chairman of the board of directors, at the Espace Grande Arche, Paris – la Défense.
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This privileged moment of information, exchange and dialogue with shareholders was the occasion for Philippe Petitcolin, ceo, and Bernard Delpit, Group finance Director, to present the activity of Saffron in 2016, its annual results, as well as its outlook for 2017 and the major strategic issues. The proposed acquisition of Zodiac Aerospace Safran has been exposed to the shareholders present.
Ross McInnes said, ” I look forward to the mark of confidence by our shareholders, who overwhelmingly approved financial resolutions to initiate the proposed acquisition of Zodiac Aerospace. ”
Result of the votes
All the resolutions submitted to the vote of the general Assembly was adopted with the exception of resolution 4 and the resolution ” A “.
In particular, shareholders approved :
the accounts for the year 2016 and decided the payment of a dividend of € 1.52 per share, in consideration of the deposit of 0.69 paid in December 2016, a balance of 0,83 for payment on 21 June ;
the appointments as directors of Odile Desforges (renewal), Hélène Auriol Potter, Patrick Pélata and Sophie Zurquiyah ;
The opinion on the remuneration 2016 executive directors and the remuneration policies relating to them.
an amendment to the statutes relating to 68-year age limit for the exercise of functions of director-general and, if applicable, deputy managing directors ;
the financial authorizations.
The general Assembly, at a rate of 90.5 %, has approved the amendment to the statutes allowing the creation of preferred shares and authorized the board of directors to issue preference shares in the framework of a public exchange offer, the necessary resolutions for the implementation of the offer of Saffron on Zodiac Aerospace.
The resolution ” A ” from an FCPE employee share ownership and for the allocation of free shares for the benefit of all employees of Safran, has not been approved by the Board of directors, has been rejected.
The resolution 4 relating to commitments in terms of retirement of the President was rejected (50.3%). The President had indicated, in the event of such rejection, submit to the wisdom of the Board on the maintenance or not in favour of the new
pension plans, defined contribution plans.
The results of the votes will be put online on the website in the heading ” Finance “.
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