Results ARCEP 2017 : Orange no. 1 for the 7th consecutive time

Thanks to the expertise of its teams and the level of investment in the network, Orange has seen its mobile network ranked no. 1 for the seventh time in a row according to the results of the mobile survey of the Arcep1.

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Orange-come first-or first in a tie on 84 of the 87 criteria for voice/SMS, 92 of the 106 criteria for the mobile internet and on 23 of the 25 criteria for transport, is the global first or first ex aequo out of 176 criteria on the 193 measured.

The mobile network of Orange arrives in pole position on the key criteria for our clients :

N°1 on the quality of the calls with 94,3% of calls perfect all residential areas combined
N°1 on the average rate of downloading of files to the global, with particular 45,5 Mbit/s in the dense area
N°1 on the mobile web browsing at the global transportation
An investment strategy that bears fruits

These results confirm the suitability of the investment in Orange in the networks. In the framework of its plan Essentiels2020, Orange spends 17 billion euro over the period 2015-2018, of which more than half of them in metropolitan France. In 2016, Orange has invested a total of over 3.4 billion euros.
Thanks to this strategy, that Orange now covers 99% of the population with 3G+ and more than 90% 2 4G in metropolitan France today, 93% by the end of the year.

Moreover Orange reminds that the 4G+ up to 223 Mb/s is available in many cities, reported on including Aix-en-Provence, Douai, Grenoble, Lens, Lyon, Marseille, Nantes, Nice, Rouen, Saint-Etienne and Toulon. Seven cities (Paris, Avignon, Palaiseau-france, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Lille and Strasbourg) are flow peaks maximum theoretical up to 300 Mbit/s.

Beyond places to live and work, the deployment of the mobile network also continues to assist customers in the places that matter to them:

24 highways covered with 3G+, of which 5 also 4G
More than 400 resorts and 95 stations of the mountain covered in 4G
A large number of tourist sites and summer events connected to 4G
Orange invests its own funds to improve coverage in the tram, TER and TGV trains :

5 high-speed lines are already covered by 4G, of which 3 are new lines. From the 13th of July, Orange will be the 1st operator in France to cover the high-speed train lines of the axis Paris-Bordeaux, Paris-Le Mans-Rennes and Paris-Lille in 4G streaming (excluding tunnels)
The Eurostar also benefits from the 4G Orange in the direction from Paris to London, and up to the exit of the Tunnel under the English Channel.
Transportation daily:
– Take the RER (Île-de-France : The 4G is now available on the platforms of certain stations of the lines RER A and RER C. the RER line A, Orange cover its customers in 4G on the docks of the stations Nanterre Prefecture, The Defence, Charles de Gaulle-Etoile, Auber, Chatelet and Gare de Lyon. On the RER line C, while the stretch between the Champs de Mars and Paris Austerlitz is covered (platform and tunnels).
– Coverage in 4G for the rest of the lines of metro and RER the RATP is being deployed.
– TER : the 4G Orange is present on the 2 lines of the TER : Lyon-Villefranche-Sur-Saone and Lyon-Ambérieu (excluding tunnels).
– Tram : The 4G Orange covers the 2 lines of tram Lille-Tourcoing, and Lille-Roubaix continuously.
Orange is also continuing its efforts on the mobile coverage in rural areas

Arcep class this year also Orange 1 or 1 ex aequo in a rural area on the voice/sms off-agglomeration of more than 10 000 inhabitants.
This testifies to the interest of Orange for the digital development of these rural areas, and more particularly to the cities of less than 5,000 inhabitants, where it is also very active through its program ” Orange Territories Connected “.
With this program, launched a year ago, Orange has improved or covered 8 000 municipalities in 4G in this area. Thus, 6 million inhabitants, 1 million more than the target set in 2016, which benefit from the 4G in France, thanks to Orange3. The coverage of 4G, Orange is 72% of the population on these territories.
Through these efforts, Orange is able to anticipate three years the coverage obligations of the deployment area priority specified in the 4G license.

All data are available on the website and the full survey is available on the website of the ARCEP :

1 press Release, ARCEP, June 21, 2017 on the results of the evaluation survey of the quality of service of mobile operators in the metropolitan area ” Orange shows the best results on the investigation as a whole “.
2 Coverage provided by the operator as at 1 June 2017
3 Subject to a terminal that is compatible

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