responsibility sociétale des entreprises : SPIE and is recognized in the top 1% of the ranking EcoVadis…

Cergy, June 14, 2017 – The approach of corporate social responsibility by SPIE, the european leader in multi-technical services in the areas of energy and communications, gets the highest rating awarded by EcoVadis. By ranking SPIE, among the first 300 companies on the 30,000 evaluated in 2017, the platform rating distinguishes the progress made by the Group and its subsidiaries. At the heart of the evaluation : the environment, business ethics, social issues and the responsible nature of the purchases of SPIE.

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First platform of CSR rating provider, EcoVadis has been mandated since 2010 to assess the sustainability performance of SPIE. In 2017, the Group, the results of which are in constant progression for the past ten years has reached once again the level “Gold” with an overall score of 74/100. SPIE is also among the 1% of businesses in the most virtuous of all categories.

SPIE in the top 1% of companies, the most virtuous in the field of CSR
Four areas of the CSR policy of SPIE are assessed : ethics, responsible purchasing, environment and the social dimension. Demanding, the 21 evaluation criteria worn by EcoVadis based on the international standards of sustainable development, such as the Global Reporting Initiative, ISO 26000 or the Global Compact of the United Nations.
If the performance of SPIE environmental remains at an excellent level in 2017, the substantive work accomplished to increase the Group’s involvement in social issues is particularly highlighted by the recent ranking. Health and safety of employees, working conditions, social dialogue, career management, training, and discrimination are all criteria taken into account in the rating. Among the factors of this progress is the deployment of ” So SPIE Ladies “, the internal network of the SPIE group composed of men and women, working in favor of greater gender diversity within teams. Among other initiatives, assessed on the basis of the assessment, the sustainable development department of the Group published in 2016 a “Code of Prevention and Safety” to remind employees of the important rules of safety.

A CSR approach integrated within all subsidiaries
For this evaluation 2017, EcoVadis specifically highlights the implementation by SPIE of a CSR approach coherent and comprehensive, covering all the subjects analyzed.
Formalised in 2016, the CSR policy of SPIE revolves around 4 axes : social, economy, society and environment. Each of these axes is available in three themes, in order that all stakeholders, including employees and customers, can have an overall vision and clear of the CSR commitments of SPIE. An international committee dedicated to CSR ensures the follow-up to the scale of the Group of all actions in this area.

“This ranking reflects the general movement of the whole Group in order to better structure our CSR policy. SPIE is committed to the service of a sustainable world for more than ten years. We are proud of this recognition EcoVadis “, explains Gilles Landry, director for sustainable development at SPIE ” Our ambitions are simple : everyone considers our CSR commitments as a lever of performance of the Group and that our current and future partners to be able to recognize its relevance when they consult us. ”

About SPIE

Independent european Leader in multi-technical services in the areas of energy and communication, SPIE supports its customers in the design, implementation, operation and maintenance of facilities energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.
With nearly 600 sites in 38 countries and 38 000 employees, SPIE is realized, in 2016, a consolidated turnover of 5.1 billion euros and an EBITA statement for 352 million euros.

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