Qwant and Brave partner to come to the aid of the ” Internet broken “

The words are let loose without a concession : “there is a part of the Internet that is broken. The Web was invented to give more freedom to men. Today, he enslaves. “Tristan Nitot, an old road of digital, has made his weapons in Netscape, there are more than twenty years ago. Has two yards of him stands Brendan Eich, considered as to the origin, in the mid-1990s, the programming language JavaScript.

Past, each one, by Netscape and the Mozilla Foundation (an agency of the defence of the original values of the Internet), the two men were together, in Paris, Thursday, 13 September, by a common project : Brave, the Internet browser launched by Mr. Eich has just been forming a partnership with the French search engine Qwant, that Mr. Nitot has joined in the month of June as vice-president. The object of this association : to propose, by default, the search engine Qwant to users in French and German of the Brave.

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