Business recommend buying in stålhandlaren ASK the Group and vårdbemannaren NGS while Swedbank is given to a säljrekommendation and Alfa Laval is considered to be fullvärderad.
It is the harvest of aktierekommendationer out this week’s edition of the business magazine.
- The be Group considered to be heading in the right direction, after several lean years. The business community points out, however, that the risk is high, but lured by the potential to lönsamhetslyft. This recommendation will be buy with a target price of 80 dollars on a one-year term.
- NGS is all in all definitely buyable, with a reasoned price target at 66 kroner a year, writes the Business world. Vårdbemannaren challenged by staff shortages and wage drift in the health sector. Acquisitions in the höglönsamma sectors compensates, however, says the newspaper.
- The situation is, however, wrong in bolånebanken Swedbank, which is given a säljrekommendation of the magazine. Swedbank has positioned itself among Europe’s strongest banks, but the truth is built on a stack of hot Swedish mortgages, which makes the share oaptitlig according to AFV.
- Alfa Laval is a fullvärderad share that we should wait. Alfa Laval has developed strongly on the stock exchange during the last year. Now there is not much more to take in the paper, not in the near future, according to Business.
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