For the past 28 years, The Caducées, an event organized by ESCP Europe, aims to reward the best campaigns in the field of medicine and health. A jury, composed of doctors, pharmacists and the general public, elects the most beautiful achievements of medical communication.
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The edition 2017 was awarded a prize by the French Federation of Diabetics for its prevention campaign in the category ” patients Association “.
The campaign, which took place from 2 to 9 June, has been designed and developed by Makheia and had the theme: the balance of life.
The device, circulated in the public space, included a media campaign (signage, pamphlets, radio spot), a social media (#contrelediabete, #chouetteunerecette), a relay Internet via a dedicated website and interactive animations on the whole territory, in particular inviting the public to take the test risk.
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For the complete list of Caducées 2017 is here :
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