In accordance with the provisions of article 241-2 of the general regulations of the AMF, the present description aims to describe the purposes and terms of the program for the repurchase of its own shares by the company.
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This program has been submitted for the authorisation of the general meeting of 20 June 2017.
The notice was published in the BALO of 15 may 2017 (and the notice of meeting was published in BALO of
2 June 2017).
Breakdown by objectives of capital securities held stopped as at the date of 16 June 2017 :
Number of shares held directly and indirectly : 35 570 shares, representing 0.89 per cent of the share capital of the company.
Number of shares held, distributed by objective :
Animation of the course through a liquidity contract ASSOCIATION): 3 554
Operations of external growth : 25 483
Coverage of share purchase options or other employee share scheme of employees : 6 533
Coverage of securities giving right to the allotment of shares : Nil
New share buyback program
Program authorization : general Assembly of June 20, 2017
Securities concerned : common shares
Maximum share of capital whose buyback is authorised : 10 % of the number of shares comprising the share capital (400 000 shares to date), it being specified that this limit is assessed at the date of the buybacks so as to take into account possible operations of increase or reduction of capital which can intervene during the duration of the program. The number of shares taken into account for the calculation of this limit corresponds to the number of shares purchased, less the number of shares resold during the duration of the program in the context of the objective of liquidity. The company can not own more than 10% of its share capital, taking account of the number of shares already held, amounting to 35 570 (or 0,89% of the capital), the maximum number of shares that may be purchased will be 364 430 shares (representing 9,11% of the share capital) except to dispose of the securities already held.
Maximum purchase price : € 50 per share
Maximum amount of programme : € 20,000,000
Terms and conditions of redemptions : These purchases of shares may be made by any means, including by acquisition of blocks of securities, and at such times as the Board of Directors. The company reserves the right to use optional mechanisms or derivative instruments within the framework of the applicable regulations.
Objectives :
to ensure the animation of the secondary market or the liquidity of the stock OTHER TECHNOLOGIES by the intermediary of an investment service provider through a liquidity agreement that complies with the ethics charter of the ASSOCIATION) allowed by the regulations, it being specified that in this context, the number of shares taken into account for the calculation of the limit referred to above corresponds to the number of shares purchased, less the number of shares sold,
to retain the purchased shares and remit them subsequently in exchange or as payment within the framework of possible external growth operations,
to ensure coverage of stock option plans purchase of shares and/or share plans assigned free of charge (or plans similar) for the benefit of employees and/or corporate officers of the group as well as all allocations of shares under a company savings plan or group (or assimilated), in respect of the participation in the results of the company and/or any other forms of share allocation to employees and/or corporate officers of the group,
to ensure coverage of securities giving right to the allocation of shares of the company within the framework of the legislation in force
Duration of program : 18 months from the general meeting of 20 June 2017 until
December 17, 2018.
This publication is available on the website of the company :
ISIN Code : FR 0013183589
Financial information : Sabine De Vuyst
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