Toulouse, 27/06/2017 – OneWeb Satellites today inaugurates its assembly line in Toulouse, the cradle of the industrial know-how of Airbus, to begin the full validation, testing and integration of the first satellite, which is scheduled to launch in only nine months.
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OneWeb Satellite is a joint venture between OneWeb, a communications company in the world with the vocation of providing access to the Internet affordable to all the inhabitants of the planet, and Airbus Defence and Space, in which the first order relates to the fabrication of 900 communications satellites for the constellation of satellites in low earth orbit (LEO) of OneWeb. With an area of 4 600 m2, the factory of Toulouse will serve to validate the methods of production necessary to the manufacture of satellites, high-performance on a scale never before reached, to minimize all potential risks and to lay the foundations of the mill larger one of OneWeb Satellites near the Kennedy space center in Florida, which will house more assembly lines. The first ten satellites drivers, after they have undergone an extensive series of tests, will be the first components of the constellation OneWeb.
Benefiting from its industrial know-how and space in the Airbus, the assembly line includes automation systems, test benches and data acquisition capabilities of edge, which will reduce the assembly time, to analyze the performance of the factory and improve processes. These satellites provide valuable data for the orbital which will be exploited for the design of the other copies and will detect and treat in near real-time all of the discrepancies in the manufacturing process.
“We still have about nine months until the launch of our first satellite,” said Greg Wyler, founder and ceo of OneWeb. “If everything goes well, then we’ll the largest launch campaign ever undertaken, with new satellites launched into orbit every 21 days. We don’t build just a constellation of satellites, but a digital gateway which will allow affordable access to broadband to billions of people not connected to the world.
In addition to achieving the constellation of satellites, OneWeb Satellites will provide versions customized for these satellites, platforms and technologies, ultra high-performance to Airbus, to offer solutions to other operators commercial and institutional, around the world. These mini-satellites from a vast chain of production, ushering in new standards of cost and performance to all those who wish to take advantage of satellite data in the field of Earth observation, detection, and telecommunications.
“Provide a global access to the Internet with the satellites for OneWeb is an ambitious mission, to which we are very happy to take part,” said Tom Enders, ceo of Airbus. “Innovation is a driving force of Airbus, and innovation is at the heart of this common adventure with OneWeb. Never before has such a level of cost, rate and volume has been reached for the satellites of great quality. In itself, the project OneWeb is a real revolution, not just for Airbus, but for the whole of the space industry”
The development of this facility has benefited from the support of Bpifrance in the framework of the Plan of Future Investments (PIA).
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