Net Insight, a leading provider of transportation and resource planning in the TV and media, today announces a strategic partnership with Ericsson to offer TV companies a wide range of video solutions based on Net Insight and Ericsson’s products and services for mediekontribution. An important aspect of the partnership is that Net Insight will be able to offer high-efficiency video encoding, H. 264 and HEVC, in its Nimbra portfolio.
H. 264 and HEVC is becoming increasingly important for the transport of live, premium content across media networks with limited). Thanks to the cooperation with Ericsson, Net Insight can offer a complete solution of the mediekontribution to the TV market, which cater to the needs of both today and in the future. The partnership means that Ericsson’s H. 264 and HEVC solutions will be integrated into the Nimbra Vision for complete network monitoring and ScheduALL® orchestration, arbetsflödesautomatisering and kundprovisionering.
“By combining the Net Insight Nimbra portfolio with Ericsson’s videoportfölj we can jointly offer comprehensive solutions for the software defined, orchestrated and kvalitetssäker media management (and delivery) that meet broadcasters’ needs in the future already today,” says Gall Le Garrec, Head of Global Channel Sales, Media Solutions at Ericsson.
“With full orchestration and management via Nimbra Vision and ScheduALL will the TV companies to take advantage of the world-class operational benefits that Net Insight is well-known for,” says Fredrik Tumegård, ceo of Net Insight. “Together with Ericsson, it opens up a great potential around the mjukvaruhanterad media production. Automation and orchestration of the entire workflow that provides real business value to the TELEVISION industry.”
For more information, please contact:
Fredrik Tumegård, CEO of Net Insight AB, +46 8 685 04 00,
About Net Insight
Net Insight’s vision is to facilitate a live and interactive TV experience for all the world over. Our goal is to lead the development and enable a global mediemarknadsplats where live-content can be shared and interaction among the TV audience can be done in real-time. We want to create media experiences of the future, with a focus on content.
Net Insight delivers products, software and services for efficient, high-quality medietransport, together with effective resource planning, which creates an enhanced TV experience. Net Insight’s offering covers the whole mediespektrat, from the TV-cameras and TV-studios, right up to the TV-consumers. Our solutions benefit the service providers and the TV and production companies by lowering the total cost of ownership, improve their workflow and give them the opportunity to find new business opportunities.
More than 500 leading customers to deliver mission-critical media services over Net Insight products in over 60 countries. Net Insight is quoted on Nasdaq Stockholm.
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If Ericsson
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Net Insight enters partnership with Ericsson