The stockholm stock exchange ended Thursday’s trading in positive territory. The OMXS30 closed finally +0.22% at 1645 points, while turnover amounted to sek 15 billion sek on the stockholm stock exchange. After overnight trading in Asia has been a slightly positive development, where oil climbed back above 46 dollars again. Positiviteten looks to trickle over to european trade, which opens for a couple of hours, which means that we are expected to maintain the land over the technical support level 1640 points…
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Today’s analysis
We got a lot of really slightly calmer and less volatile trading ahead of the midsummer celebration.
Weak positive attitude left the impression when we finished at 1645 points on Thursday, which means that OMXS30 still maintain a listing in the short-term handelsintervallet 1640-1650.
After overnight trading in Asia, there exists a weak positive attitude. Leading futures indicates that we will start slightly to the north in the OMXS30 index, which means that we keep track of our nearest technical resistance level 1650 points, then an outbreak and establishment, and they contribute with positivity.
Monday’s trading invites not on any heavy macro which is expected to help with stronger movements.
The focus lands on the German IFO index at 10:00, in addition to the normal weekly statistics from the employment service on Monday at 10:45.
Later in the week, there is, however, among other things, on the trade balance, retail sales and household lending from statistics SWEDEN, preliminary CPI and the economic barometer from the euro area and the confidence indicator and private incomes and consumption from the united states.
The oil, however, is in a better mood after the night’s trading in Asia, and has risen above the +1%. American semester the S&P 500 also traded just above zero, which together contribute positivity in the face börsöppning about a couple of hours.
We highlighted already in the previous week that we see a higher probability that we may get a positive development in the future, which means that we are now in the short term awaiting an outbreak and the establishment of 1650 points as the initial confirmation.
Just above the resistance level 1650 await also the high for the year, and teeming to the resistance level around 1657-1658 points.
We have previously highlighted 1670 points as a major resistance level, this has, however, had a somewhat lower importance given the difficulty we are experiencing to step over the high for the year.
The probability is rather, that we may gain a clearer outbreaks northward, if we step over 1660 points up to 1700 points. Just above this sentimental heltalsnivån await also all time high since former at 1720 points.
Then we got some sharp moves on Thursday, we find ourselves still in a situation where technical resistance levels await at 1650, 1658, followed by 1670 points.
Support levels await even at 1640, 1630, and 1600 points.
What hålltider and the company reports the next weeks you can read here.
Friday’s main börshändelser.
Köpstyrka make a comeback in Ericsson!
Time to challenge the high for the year on the new…?
Ericsson is continuing with the positive attitude on Thursday after three previous days of trading on plus, and step initially around +1.40 per cent.
Fuel for the upturn, says Nordea, after the height of the recommendation to keep from previous sales, while riktkursen increased to sek 65.
The company’s share bottomed out at 61 crowns after earlier decline since the beginning of June, after that we stepped up to a new high for the year at sek 65.
At 61 crowns, we note also significant with the volume last time, which indicated that this price level was expected to provide a short-term support.
The underlying positive momentum indicates that we can get to challenge the sek 65 within the card, and in a good mood already initially after midsummer, maybe it will be already the beginning of the week…
If we manage to get a establishment above, we expect that sellers can come to show their prowess already at the next technical resistance level at 70 crowns, which are clearly shown in the weekly chart below.
Time for Alfa Laval to challenge the all time high…?
After concentration follows the outbreak, and we are now turning their attention further north.
Alfa Laval rose around three percent on Friday morning, after Morgan Stanley raises the recommendation for the company to overweight from underweight.
Riktkursen is raised at the same time, to 207 kronor from the previous 176 sek, which was Alfa Laval to step up and be a clear winner early on Thursday morning.
A false outbreak occurred earlier in the week above the MA 50, at 175 sek.
At this price level we have in the past experienced difficulties to the establishment above, not unexpectedly, since this was the highest level since 2014.
Thursday’s strength at the same time means that we get a clear positive momentum, which means that we get an establishment above the MA 50, and we now turn the attention to the high for the year, and an all-time high at 185 crowns.
Since the beginning of the year has now Alfa Laval has risen a little more than +20%.
Boliden on the minus, despite the strength in the base metals.
We feel, however, weak underlying positivity through all of higher bottoms after the establishment during the technical key level.
After the previous concentration between 235-245 kronor, Boliden has lost momentum in June, and established itself in the technical nyckelnivån at 235 sek.
On Thursday, commencing even with a decline of around -1% after overnight trading in Asia, where the u.s. dollar is slightly stronger against the krona.
On Wednesday, the steps including copper and zinc, significantly, both of which are a large part of the company’s production.
Since the turn of the year copper has risen +3.80%, while zinc increased +2.92%. Boliden, however, still trades at -4.5 per cent since the end of the year.
That we experience a positive attitude from base metals such as copper and zinc, at the same time that we note the higher bottoms since we established ourselves in 235 sek Boliden, increases the likelihood that we may be on the way to challenge the technical resistance at 235 dollars within a short.
Hålltider during the day
Macro statistics
- Germany: IFO index of June at 10.00 am.
- AF: the weekly statistics at 10.45
- USA: orders for durable goods (prelim) may at 14.30
All börshändelser and estimates for the week can be found here!
Latest börsnyheterna
The stockholm stock exchange was slightly up on the eve of midsummer, helped by Alfa Laval, Volvo and Astra Zeneca.
Storbolagsindexet OMXS30 index closed 0.2 per cent higher at a level of 1.645,4. The turnover on the stockholm stock exchange, amounting to just under sek 15 billion on Thursday. On the continent was the German DAX, French CAC40, as well as other leading regional index up in the world 0.2 to 0.3 per cent.
Health had on the whole a strong performance in Europe and the united states on Thursday. From the american hold was released, a draft of the senate’s new hälsovårdspolicy. In Stockholm climbed Astra Zeneca close to 2 per cent.
Nordsjöoljepriset was below 46 dollars a barrel during european börsstängning. Transferring oil-related money had a weak development in Norway and oljekreditbanken DNB dropped near 3 percent. As the onion on the salmon for the Swedish banking sector, which is saddled with lower interest rates, did the Swedish government bond yields down on Thursday. The four major banks fell between 0.2 and 1.3 percent. The oil company Lundin Petroleum closed slightly down, while SSAB and Boliden step 1.8 and 0.7 per cent in the råvarurelaterat.
Than better development, Alfa Laval had that lifted close to 4 percent, and with it topped the storbolagsindexet, for a height recommendation of Morgan Stanley to overweight from previously underweight.
Furthermore, in the Swedish industrial sector advanced Volvo just over 2 per cent to 150:40 sek. Swedbank raised riktkursen for lastvagnsjätten to 175 from 165 sek maintaining a buy recommendation.
Nordea Markets raised its recommendation for Ericsson to keep from sell. Riktkursen was raised again to 65 by 50 and shares rose 1.7 per cent to 63:85 sek.
Among indextunga companies also helped the klädjätten H&M the stock market trend with a rise of just over 1 per cent to the level 203:50 sek. Last week there was a level below 200 sek for the first time in over five years.
The First North-listed it säkerhetsbolaget clavister’s announced that ceo Johan Öhman with immediate effect leaves the company at his own request, after having assumed office on 6 march this year. Shares lost nearly 3 percent.
Qliro rose nearly 3 per cent. According to information available to Breakit, the company has engaged Carnegie to find a buyer of the portfolio company Gymgrossisten. Negotiations have been initiated but potential buyers believe that the price tag to date have been set too high.
Sensec did on Thursday, its first day of trading on the NGM-list and closed at the level of 0:64 crowns, or nearly 10 percent down from the strike price 0:70 sek.
Investor has continued to reduce its holdings in ögonstyrningsbolaget Tobii and flagged for ownership has gone below 5 per cent. Tobii’s share declined nearly 3 per cent.
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By: Michael Andersson for Tradingportalen/Agency Directly.
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