Unlike in several leading european stock indexes fell to the Swedish OMXS30 index on Tuesday. Storbolagsindexet) fell -0.72% to 1543.37 per cent, in a day when turnover on the stockholm stock exchange amounted to 11.6 billion. Even if Asia exhibit weak positive movements after the night, shut the united states shared around the zero. Leading futures pointing to a slightly positive initial movement, and the question is whether this is sufficient that we shall avoid the challenged of 1540 on Wednesday…
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Today’s analysis
Tuesday’s trading ended in negative territory, after we initial minutes managed to challenge the technical resistance level of 1560 points.
We got a negative divergence against the european leading stock indexes, as both the DAX and the FTSE100, as both finished on the weak plus.
However, we got the utmanandet of 1560 points on which we sought already at the outset, even if it was extremely briefly.
The risk is that, despite the indications of an initially weak movement on the plus, we will challenge the mandate of the 1540 points. We got a closure on dagslägsta on Tuesday, which also means that we closed during the block 1544-1548 points which included the significant with the volume of Tuesday’s trading.
This increases the risk that we are being opposed, if we open the plus today. All can, however, happen, and we were looking for sign of strength already in Tuesday’s morgonrapport.
First and foremost, we want to have a sign of strength in the form of köpstyrka, this may possibly arise where we are on Wednesday may get return visits of buyers from, among other things, the bank, but above all, the workshop showed sur development on Tuesday had not been damaged.
Would we break below 1540 points, then turned the focus towards the 1527 points on the basis of a short-term perspective. Thereafter, we believe that greater levels of support can be found at 1517 and especially the 1500 points.
It indicates that we can obtain an increasingly more cautious to negative movement initially, is that the u.s. leading the semester, the S&P 500 traded just below zero, and exhibit signs that may start to tick slightly lower down.
This senior semester is not unusual a good guideline, for how the initial minutes develops in the OMXS30, when the stockholm stock exchange opens. However, the situation is always changing, which means that there obviously are opportunities to 1560 than once to be in focus.
The ICA is one of the stragglers when it comes to the interim report, came in with an operating profit just below, waiting at 1.259 million. Other interesting companies that come in with the report at 08:00, småsparar favorites such as Leo Vegas, and Precise. On the american front, it is Cisco, which reports after U.S. exchanges close.
On Wednesday makroagenda we get provisional GDP figures from the EMU, Italy and Poland, and the Netherlands. Most interesting on today’s agenda are, however, the u.s. central bank’s minutes from the FOMC meeting on July 26, which falls in during the evening at 20:00. It will be interesting to not only get a clearer guidance on future interest rate hikes, but also how the members of a set at the last meeting.
Even the renegotiation of Nafta, initiated in the united states, which could be interesting in the longer term.
Ahead of Wednesday’s trading are awaiting the technical resistance at 1560, 1580 and 1600 points. Technical support levels await again at 1540, 1527, 1517, and 1500 points.
What hålltider and the company reports the next weeks you can read here.
Yesterday’s main börshändelser.
Temporary urskakning in the ICA before Wednesday report…?
The interim report for the second quarter are expected on Wednesday 16 August at 07:00, followed by rapportpresentation at 10:00.
On Wednesday it’s time for the ICA Group to deliver the report for the second quarter.
The expectations are on an operating income of 1.302 million, according to a compilation as the SME Directly made of six analysts predictions.
”Although we believe that the Ica will report a stable result for the second quarter, we are concerned that the company loses market share in Sweden,” wrote Handelsbanken analysis, ahead of Wednesday’s report.
Nordea highlighted, among other things, a sluggish but stable market, where onlinetillväxten like so many other industries are putting pressure on the area of growth in stores.
The ICA noted a new all time high at 340 kronor in the previous week, but has since then experienced three days of trading on minus. Temporary urskakning before the report…?
Clas Ohlson falls on worse than expected sales in July.
The shares fell initially over -7%.
On Tuesday left the Clas Ohlson statistics on monthly sales, where total sales fell by -3 per cent in July.
Analysts had expected total sales +3.7%, and the shares fell initially over -7%.
Sweden stood out with a worse sales on the -5 per cent, Norway was unchanged, and Finland showed growth of +2%.
”It has been a relatively slow July, as you can see in our figures. There is no individual that has happened,” commented the Clas Ohlson IR manager Sara Kraft Westrell to the News agency Directly.
Tuesday’s inledningsvisa decline bounced on the MA 100 at 155.56 crowns, and took then the back half of the inledningsvisa decline.
At the same time, the company’s share early on Tuesday stepped down to the lowest price level since the beginning of June.
Dometic on the case after that Nordea will take up coverage with säljrekommendation.
Early on Tuesday, the big loser in the Large Cap.
Dometic Group fell initially over -2.90 percent to 65.35 crowns on Tuesday, after Nordea takes up coverage of the company with the recommendation to sell.
Nordea left at the same time, a price target of 63:50 dollars, just above the technical support level at 63 kronor.
Tuesday’s decline also means that the company’s share leaving the MA 200 more behind, which are now at 68 crowns.
Dometic has like several Swedish companies experienced a sour summer, and have yourself after an all-time high at 78 crowns lost 16 per cent.
Hålltider during the day
Company reports
- Ica (at 7.00), Odd Molly (8.00), Precise (8.00), Leo Vegas (8.00), Troax (12.30 pm), IAR Systems (15.00), C-Series (before börsöppning), Rottneros (changed date fr 28/8), the Vostok New Ventures, Carlsberg (at 7.00), Stockmann (at 7.00), Maersk (about 8.00), Coloplast (noon)
- Cisco (after U.S. stock exchanges ‘ closure) (at 19.30), Briggs & Stratton (tbc date)
Macro statistics
- The TNS Prospera: inflation expectations – money market participants 8.00
- Netherlands: GDP (prel) q2 at 9.30 am
- Italy: GDP (prel) q2 10.00
- Poland: GDP (prel) q2 10.00
- Uk: unemployment rate July at 10: 30 a.m.
- EMU: GDP (prel) q2 11.00
- USA: residential construction July at 14.30
- USA: oil stocks (DOE), weekly statistics at 16.30
- The Fed: the minutes from the FOMC meeting, 26 July at 20: 00
- United states: renegotiation of Nafta begins
All börshändelser and estimates for the week can be found here!
Latest börsnyheterna
The stockholm stock exchange opened on Tuesday, was optimistic but declined afterwards. Rapportfloden renewed force, and in it shone a pair of computer game company. Clas Ohlson had it tougher after sales figures for July.
At the time of closing had the OMXS30 index has fallen 0.7% to the level of 1.543 and today’s sales, have been summarised to sek 11.6 billion.
The turmoil of war between the united states and north Korea has slowed down, which they later toned down the threat to Guam. Index at home also started upward, but the curve turned down, after a moment of trading, and held to minus the rest of the day.
In Stockholm was expanded in the fall when the statistics showed that the consumer prices, calculated with a fixed interest rate, rose 2.4 per cent in July compared with July 2016. It was the first time since december 2010 that CPIF inflation rate was over 2 per cent. The crown was strengthened immediately, a sign that financial markets think a rate hike will come earlier than the Riksbank signalled.
Banks tend to make more money in times of higher interest rate, all else being equal, and parts of the banking sector was trading up slightly. Swedbank rose by 0.4 per cent and SEB by 0.2 percent, while Nordea and Handelsbanken low of minus.
The swedes do not seem to have spent the summer shopping in any major way, at least not at Clas Ohlson, whose overall sales fell 3 percent in July, worse than analysts anticipated. Prylkedjans share declined 4.1 per cent.
On rekommendationsfronten gave Nordea the initialization of the Dometic imprint in the course. The bank is to sell and the shares traded down 4.3 per cent.
Nordea sees a ”significant risk” to Nibes operating margin will be a disappointment in the forthcoming report for the second quarter, demonstrated by a update where riktkursen was adjusted down marginally to sek 67 and where the bank’s säljråd repeated. Nibe-shares fell 3.2 percent to 76:05 crowns.
Svenskbekantingen Schibsted, which owns the Block, and several similar services in Europe, fell 5.7 per cent in Oslo. Facebook to launch its services Marketplace in 17 european countries and thus to challenge, inter alia, the Block.
Among Tuesday’s rapportbolag was awarded THQ Nordic with an increase of just over 9 per cent. The gaming company’s turnover grew 62 percent in the second quarter and it’s including the upcoming launch of the game Darksiders III, which lift the sales of the earlier versions of the same game. In the same sector increased Paradox its profit and sales in the second quarter, and its shares rose 3.6 per cent.
Munters, who recently made a comeback on the stock exchange, reaching a 12% organic growth in the quarter with an operating profit of 143 million, down from 150 million. Shares lost 2.9 per cent.
Friskvårdskedjan Actics margin went down from 20 to 16 per cent in the second quarter and on the stock exchange, the share fell to 3.9 per cent.
Eniro reported a negative cash flow, while ebitda declined to sek 39 million (116) in the second quarter. The Eniro share was down 1.1 per cent.
The auction house Lauritz.com lowered its revenue forecast in the quarterly report and the stock dropped 6.8%.
The Collector went up 1.5 per cent after several nedgångsdagar last week. Nischbankens founder and acting ceo Lena Apler bought 50.000 shares in Collector, August 11, for almost 4.6 million, according to the FI’s insynslista.
First North-listed Arc Aroma Pure handelsstoppades in the afternoon. Tuesday’s latest finish, just before the stop, a low of 73 kronor, corresponding to an increase by almost 7 per cent from Monday’s closing. The stop applies ”until further notice”.
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By: Michael Andersson for Tradingportalen/Agency Directly.
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