Publication in European Urology Focus of a new study conducted by the Urology Department of the University of Barcelona
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Paris and Boston, June 19, 2017 17: 45 Mauna Kea Technologies (Euronext : MKEA, OTCQX : MKEAY), inventor of Cellvizio®, the platform’s multidisciplinary confocal laser endomicroscopy, announced today the publication of a new study in favour of the use of Cellvizio in urology, for the characterization of pathology in real time, of lesions due to urothelial carcinoma of the upper urinary tract.
The urothelial carcinoma (UC) is the ninth cancer most common in the world and the eighth most common neoplasm of the most lethal in humans in the United States. This cancer is the most costly per patient in the health system of the United States. Between 5 % and 10 % of cancers urothelial primary appear in the ureter or the renal pelvis of the kidney and are collectively referred to as tumors of the track excretory supérieure (TVES).1
The study entitled Correlation Between Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy (Cellvizio®) and Histological Grading of Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma: A Step Forward for a Better Selection of Patients Suitable for Conservative Management, (, ” Correlation between the confocal laser endomicroscopy (Cellvizio® ) and the gradation of histological urothelial carcinoma of the upper appliance : a step forward for a better selection of patients eligible for a supported conservative “), has been published in European Urology Focus, the official publication of the European Association of Urology (EAU). The study was led by Dr. Alberto Breda Department of urology, Fundaciò Puigvert, Autonoma University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
In the course of the study, 14 patients underwent urétéroscopies flexible with Cellvizio used to target biopsies, which were performed and interpreted to obtain the results of pathology conclusive. The observations pre-biopsy using Cellvizio have been compared with results of pathology obtained during surgery in a blinded, demonstrating a degree of agreement almost perfect (13 lesions on 14 characterized in the correct manner in three grades of TVES) between the methods and an agreement interobservateur substantial (Kappa = 0,64). The study concluded that, on the basis of these results, Cellvizio can be used in the following scenarios :
The characterization in real time of TVES in order to validate/exclude support for endo-urological
The improvement of the follow-up of patients with TVES treated previously in a conservative manner
The improvement of the characterization of the damage potential of carcinoma in situ (CIS)
Dr. Breda commented : “The laser endomicroscopy is a promising new technology providing a characterization of pathology in real time, of lesions of TVES. We believe that this may be useful in the stratification of patients to identify those likely to benefit from a conservative treatment of TVES. Cellvizio could become a endoscopic tool standard to help the urologist to evaluate in real time the risk for patients with TVES. ”
Sacha Loiseau, Founder and ceo of Mauna Kea Technologies, added : “over The past two decades, major strides in technology, endoscopic, have broadened the therapeutic options for patients with TVES. We believe that Cellvizio represents another step forward for urologists, which will help improve the care of patients. We look forward to working with our partner world trading in urology, Cook Medical, to highlight this important application of Cellvizio to its customers in urology from around the world. ”
The exclusive partner of Mauna Kea Technologies for the distribution of Cellvizio indications in urology is Cook Medical, a world leader in medical devices for applications in urological procedures.
About Mauna Kea Technologies
Mauna Kea Technologies is a global company medical devices whose mission is to maximize the diagnostics and treatments by direct visualization at the cellular level. The the Company’s flagship product, Cellvizio, has received marketing agreements for a wide range of applications in more than 40 countries including the United States, Europe, Japan, China, Canada, Brazil and Mexico. For more information on Mauna Kea Technologies, visit
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