Forum. With the judgment of the Court of justice of the european Union (CJEU) on 20 December 2017 and the entry into force of the act Grandguillaume on the VTC on the 1st of January, the year 2018 is opened under auspices which seem to testify to a halt at the ubérisation of our economy and its corollary : the hyper-liberalization of the labour market. The Court came to inflict a setback to Uber. Uber, she said, is not a service of the information society, because it is more than “a through e” : a genuine transport service, which must, therefore, apply the same strict rules that the companies of VTC or taxi.
the French case law, will advance step by step, as british jurisprudence, to the recognition of a ” subordination algorithmic ”
This is a question more for the californian company : in the shot of five criminal investigations federal in the United States for the practice of industrial espionage, use of computer software secrets and of bribery of foreign public officials, forced by a tribunal to reclassify two drivers in workers and prohibited them from operating in several european markets, such as Denmark or Luxembourg, here is Uber reduced the role of traditional business transportation, and its development ambitions in Europe were thwarted. It’s no wonder that Softbank has been able, at the end of December, to acquire 15 % of its share capital at a price sold of 30 %.
This is bad for Uber sounds the death knell of the intermediation model electronics and flexibility of the work based on the use of freelance ? Several signs seem to be moving in this direction, as the recent bankruptcy of platforms home delivery (Take Eat Easy), the financial difficulties of Blablacar or multiplying by twenty in a year of social conflict in Deliveroo in Europe. It may also be noted that the French law…