Question drive. The observatory Finansol are more than a million savers in solidarity in France. The galaxy of ethical funds, which give meaning to their savings, however, remain mysterious to most individuals.
” I have cash on my share savings plan (PEA) that I would like to place on ethical funds. Do you know if there are ethical funds eligible to the PEA ? “
There are several ways to invest ethically in the framework of a PEA. Most management companies offer funds labeled ” SRI ” (socially responsible investment) that are eligible to this envelope défiscalisante. To do this, they must contain permanently at least 75 % of shares of european companies. The concept of SRI is to apply the management principles of sustainable development.
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More virtuous, some solidarity funds, also called funds “90/10″ because their manager may invest up to 10 % of its assets in structures of solidarity, are also eligible for the PEA, but they are rare. Their particularity is to be mainly marketed in the framework of the employee savings plan. The oldest is ” Insertion jobs dynamic “, a fonds commun de placement (FCP) of Mirova (Natixis). The manager only invests in companies that create jobs in France.