ImocomPartners, the Management Company of a specialist Retail Park with a portfolio of 19 assets, spread throughout France, announces today that it has raised € 100 million from institutional investors, for its real estate mutual fund IMOCOMINVEST 3.
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After the success of its first two funds IMOCOMINVEST 1 and IMOCOMINVEST 2 in the implementation of 255 M investment, ImocomPartners has leveraged its expertise to continue its investments in the Retail Park segment is the fastest growing and the most resilient to the economic context in France.
After the success of its first two funds IMOCOMINVEST 1 and IMOCOMINVEST 2 in the implementation of 255 M investment, ImocomPartners has leveraged its expertise to continue its investments in the Retail Park segment is the fastest growing and the most resilient to the economic context in France.
Laurent de Sayve and Bruno of Scorbiac, founders and leaders of ImocomPartners, declare :
“We are proud to see such interest in our third fund. This infatuation on the part of investors is explained by the performance of our first fund, and more generally, our investment strategy original and specialized omen of solid investment opportunities in a sector of the retail park is in constant growth “.
About Retail Park
Since its creation in 2011, ImocomPartners is the only Management Company specializing in the Retail Park in France, a specific segment of the real estate trade. These assets are built in established zones of outskirts next to a residential area and responding to the expectations of price and current consumption patterns of consumers.
In 2016, the Retail Park represent 47% of the stock of real estate of commerce, followed by shopping centres (28 %) and shopping streets (25 %).
About ImocomPartners :
Established in 2011, ImocomPartners is a Company of independent Management, approved by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers specializing in the investment of Retail Park in France on behalf of leading institutional investors.
September 28, 2016, assets under management ImocomPartners amounted to 255 Million euros through two funds : the real estate mutual fund ImocomInvest created in 2011, invested to the tune of 104 Million with a portfolio of 10 Retail Park, representing a total surface of 70 000 m2 and the OPCI ImocomInvest 2 created in 2014 which seeks a 200 Million investment over three years, comprising to date 8 Retail Park for a total area of 88 360 m2 and invested to the tune of 151 Million. The portfolios ImocomPartners represent safe and profitable investments, providing a recurring dividend.
The implementation of this strategy positioned today ImocomPartners as the Management Company of a specialist Retail Park situated on the outskirts of vibrant cities of the French a sector in strong growth and resilient to the economic context.
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