Hemcheck Sweden AB (publ) presents the results from the usability testing at the Centralsjukshuset Karlstad
hemCheck, a medical device company that addresses the problem of hemolysis, publishes the results from the usability testing at the central hospital in Karlstad, where the nurses have used a prototype of the hemChecks point-of-care test clinically. Användartesterna confirmed that hemolysis is a problem for the emergency department, showed that the prototype is user-friendly and to hemolysfrekvensen for the Troponin T test can be reduced by 75% with the help of this prototype.
hemCheck conducted usability testing of a prototype of the Helge, a point-of-care test to detect hemolysis, at the emergency department at the central hospital Karlstad, sweden between december 2016 and may 2017. The purpose of the tests was to gain a better understanding of the ease of use and performance in the clinical environment in order to identify areas of improvement for the upgraded product version, which includes digital readers, which is under development.
The measured hemolysfrekvensen in the emergency department was an average of 10.2% for all blood samples in the control group, which strengthened hemChecks view of the scale of the problem. Hemolysfrekvensen was significantly higher (21%) in the use of peripheral venkateter (PEC), as well as slow blood flow observed by the hplc (36%). Hemolysfrekvensen varied widely (3 to 19%) between the participating nurses could correctly predict hemolysis in less than one-third of the cases.
Helge prototype was user-friendly and could with ease be incorporated in the clinical environment. With the current prototype (calibrated to hemolysindex (HI), 50), sunk hemolysfrekvensen for Troponin T testing (HI cutoff 100) with 75% and hemolysfrekvensen for Potassium, ALT, ALP tests with 36% (HI cut off 50). Adjustments of the prototype, including the introduction of a digital reader, this is done in order to improve the performance of the hemolyskänsliga sample, such as Potassium, ALT, ALP.
hemChecks managing director Annelie Brolinson said:
This study has given us a clear evidence that hemolysis is a common occurrence, and are consistent with known scientific data. With a prototype in the development stage, we are very proud to receive such a positive reception among users, and it indicates that we are on absolutely the right path with our unique point-of-care method. With that knowledge, we will now continue the work to improve produktkonceptets ability to identify hemolyzed blood tests and so improve patient safety and workflow within the healthcare industry.
If hemCheck
Hemcheck Sweden AB (publ) develops and commercializes a unique product concept Helge for point-of-care detection of hemolysis. Hemolysis, broken red blood cells, is the most common cause of blood samples can not be analyzed. This leads to worse care, the risks for the patients and high costs. Helge detect the presence of hemolyzed blood samples in direct connection to the sampling, and thus contribute to improved care for patients around the world. hemChecks the company is headquartered in Karlstad, Sweden.
Hemcheck Sweden AB (publ)
Annelie Brolinson, managing director
Tel: +46 70 288 0826
E-mail: annelie.brolinson@hemcheck.com
Yliopistonkatu 2
651 88 Karlstad, sweden
Important information
This information is such information that hemCheck is obliged to publish under the EU marknadsmissbruksförordning. The information was submitted, by the above contact person in the government, for publication on 21 June 2017, there is 09:00.
Press release 20170621_sv