Villepinte, June 14, 2017 – 18:00 – Guerbet (FR0000032526 GBT), the world specialist in contrast products and solutions for medical imaging, announces that it has signed an equity participation in the amount of fifteen million euros in the fund FPIC BioMedTech managed by Truffle Capital, a specialist in investing in a startup developing technologies and products to a rupture in the area of life sciences.
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The fund BioMedTech that aims 200 million euro, aims to invest in a dozen of start-ups, mainly French. It may consist essentially of MedTechs, but also Biotech firms, in the fields of medicine interventional minimally invasive (implants connected, interventional imaging, robotics, biopsy, virtual, etc) and products of biotechnology-related improvements in rupture especially in cardiovascular diseases, osteoarticular, infectious, neurology, dermatology, or oncology.
The investment criteria of the fund, including MedTech are :
– The development of a radical innovation capable of changing the lives of patients ;
– A product capable of becoming a “first-in-class” or ” best-in-class “, world leader in its sector in the 6 to 8 years ;
– A management and Board of directors of a very high level, as soon as the starting of the activity ;
– Intellectual property broad and strong, with freedom to operate ;
– Sectors attractive for industrial buyers or to the equity markets.
Truffle has a high level of competence and expertise to identify radical innovations in the american and european universities and innovative companies with strong growth potential. It contributed effectively to the structuring and optimization of many investments in the field of life sciences.
“This investment complements the innovation strategy of Guerbet. We wish to actively contribute to the development of new solutions to diagnostic or therapeutic, very innovative for the health of patients, in particular those that rely on minimally invasive procedures, performed in an outpatient setting and are guided by the image. We appreciate the entrepreneurial approach of Truffle Capital and their focus on disruptive innovations in medicine “, underlines Yves L’epine, ceo of Guerbet.
“We are very pleased with the trust we earn from Guerbet. Our successes are based on industry expertise, proven strategy, entrepreneurs, investors, and on our constant research in the best universities of the world with radical innovation as the basis for start-ups that can change the lives of patients. With our new fund, we will contribute to making the medicine of tomorrow, with young companies, several of which could become global leaders, ” says Philippe Pouletty, ceo of Truffle Capital.
About Guerbet
A pioneer in the field of contrast products with over 90 years of experience, Guerbet is one of the leaders in medical imaging globally. It has a full range of pharmaceutical products, medical devices and services to imaging scanner by X-Rays (RX), Magnetic Resonance (MRI) and Interventional Radiology and Theranostic (LAUGHS) in order to improve the diagnostic and therapeutic management of patients. With 7% of its sales devoted to R&D and more than 200 employees in 3 centres in France and the United States, Guerbet, mobilizes significant resources for research and innovation. Guerbet (GBT) is listed on the compartment B of Euronext Paris, and has completed in 2016 a turnover of 776 million euros. For more information about Guerbet, please consult the website
About Truffle Capital
Truffle Capital is a management company european independent founded in 2001 by Philippe Pouletty Bernard-Louis Roques, and Henri Moulard. Truffle Capital is now headed by Patrick Kron, chairman, alongside co-founder Philippe Pouletty and Bernard-Louis Roques, general managers. Truffle Capital account 750M under management or board, through FCIC, FPIC, holding leaders and management under mandate. Truffle is specialized in investment and support to companies developing products and technologies for rupture in two activity sectors : the sector of life Sciences is headed by Philippe Pouletty and information Technology headed by Bernard-Louis Roques. For more information, visit
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